Thursday, August 27, 2020
How do employment relationships impact on the overall success of an Essay
How do business connections sway on the general accomplishment of an association - Essay Example In spite of the fact that it may be contended that the business is the wellspring of the considerable number of assets which makes the firm operational, the firm is still, all things considered, worked by the representative. The expansion in global rivalry and the fast mechanical advances are preferring associations which are increasingly effective, inventive and beneficial. These outer variables are constraining firms to modify their regulatory and the board structures. The escalated pressures have created significant difficulties in overseeing work relationship (Noer, 1993; Herriot, Manning and Kidd, 1997). The essential guideline behind the worry for this field is the ‘friendlier’ and ‘more responsive’ the worker administration framework is, the more noteworthy will be the likelihood of representatives being effectively occupied with their work. The thought originates from the idea that, as you assemble trust and companionship with and among the representatives, the worker will respond the exertion through his work. In this paper, we will investigate whether there is truth in this case. Workers joining an association are generally described by energy, responsibility and support for their new manager incompletely in view of the idea of getting a compensation and somewhat because of the pride of having a place with an association and accomplishing something profitable. Get the job done it to state, toward the beginning of work, they are profoundly locked in. At the point when we state exceptionally drew in, we imply that they are effectively taking part in the association. 2. Not-locked in representatives are the individuals who have basically gotten unengaged with their work. They invest time however not vitality and enthusiasm into their work. They are not really negative or positive about their organization however they take a cautious mentality toward their activity, their boss, and their associates. The dedication is basically not there any longer. Numerous exact examinations have shown a connection between
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Consumers Warned of Online Payday Loan Sites
Customers Warned of Online Payday Loan Sites As you take a gander at the computerized advertisements that encompass this article, remember that the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) has since quite a while ago exhorted shoppers to practice outrageous alert when utilizing web payday advance sites, where credits due by the following payday, can cost up to $30 per $100 acquired and borrowers regularly face yearly loan costs (APRs) of 650%. As indicated by a CFA review of one hundred Internet payday advance destinations, little credits including electronic access to shoppers financial records present high dangers to customers who obtain cash by transmitting individual monetary data by means of the web. Consequently Zapping Your Bank Account Web payday credits cost up to $30 per $100 acquired and should be reimbursed or renegotiated by the borrowers next payday, said Jean Ann Fox, CFAs chief of customer security. In the event that payday is in about fourteen days, a $500 advance expenses $150, and $650 will be electronically pulled back from the borrowers financial records. Many studied banks naturally restore credits by electronically pulling back the fund charge from the shoppers financial records each payday. In the event that shoppers neglect to have enough cash on store to cover the money charge or reimbursement, both the payday loan specialist and the bank will force inadequate finances expenses. Where Payday Loans Lurk Online payday advances are showcased through email, online inquiry, paid promotions, and referrals. Commonly, a buyer rounds out an online application structure or faxes a finished application that demands individual data, financial balance numbers, Social Security Numbers and business data. Borrowers fax duplicates of a check, an ongoing bank explanation, and marked desk work. The credit is immediate saved into the customers financial records and advance installment or the money charge is electronically pulled back on the borrowers next payday. Significant expense, High Risk Web payday credits are hazardous for destitute shoppers, expressed Ms. Fox. They join the significant expenses and assortment dangers of registration payday credits with security dangers of sending financial balance numbers and Social Security Numbers over web connects to obscure banks. CFAs review of 100 Internet payday credit locales indicated that advances from $200 to $2,500 were accessible, with $500 the most much of the time advertised. Account charges ran from $10 per $100 up to $30 per $100 obtained. The most continuous rate was $25 per $100, or 650% yearly financing cost (APR) if the advance is reimbursed in about fourteen days. Commonly advances are expected on the borrowers next payday which can be a shorter term. Just 38 locales revealed the yearly financing costs for advances before clients finishing the application procedure, while 57 destinations cited the account charge. The most every now and again posted APR was 652%, trailed by 780%. Despite the fact that credits are expected on the borrowers next payday, many studied destinations naturally reestablish the advance, pulling back the fund charge from the borrowers financial balance and expanding the advance for another compensation cycle. Sixty-five of the studied destinations license advance restorations with no decrease in head. At certain moneylenders, customers need to make extra moves to really reimburse the credit. After a few reestablishments, a few banks expect borrowers to diminish the credit head with every recharging. Agreements from Internet payday loan specialists incorporate a scope of uneven terms, for example, required assertion provisions, deals to avoid taking an interest in legal claims, and deals to avoid declaring financial insolvency. A few moneylenders expect candidates to consent to keep their financial balances open until credits are reimbursed. Others request intentional pay assignments even in states where wage assignments are not lawful. CFA encourages customers not to get cash dependent on giving a post-dated paper check or electronic access to a financial balance as security. Payday credits are excessively costly and too difficult to even think about repaying on the following payday. CFA encourages customers never to transmit ledger numbers, Social Security numbers or other individual money related data by means of the Internet or by fax to obscure organizations. Customers should search for lower cost credit, looking at both the dollar fund charge and the APR to get the least cost credit accessible. For help with monetary issues, CFA urges purchasers to look for credit advising help or legitimate help.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tabula rasa Essay Example
Clean slate Essay Example Clean slate Paper Clean slate Paper The job of hereditary qualities, nature, the youngster, and the requirement for past as preface What does the past as preamble mean? How much it is esteemed important to consider the past to comprehend the current What does the brought into the world along these lines model underscore? Job of hereditary qualities being developed What does the brought into the world along these lines model dishonor? Nature What did behaviorism speak to? Youngsters as aloof beneficiaries of colonization impacts Which model was the most well known when Pigged first came into the image? Sustain model Who said that people are clear records? John Locke What is the term utilized for clear record? Plain Rasa What does the clear record hypothesis mean? People are worked without worked in mental substance and that their insight mothers as a matter of fact and discernment What did Watson accept to be valid concerning why kids build up the way that they do? Watching kids, instead of theorizing on their heritage Did Watson concur with John Lockers clear record hypothesis? Truly What was Watson see on improvement when all is said in done? Complex intentions and practices can be based upon by means of old style molding What was the investigation Watson used to demonstrate his point? Little Albert and molded dread Watson axiom was known for what? Regardless of what your identity is and where you originated from, you can transform into anything What is old style molding? The relationship of certain practices with explicit upgrades and even show how a few improvements that presently evoke reactions probably won't have done so once in the past How did Watson make the young man terrified of rodents? He made an unpleasant sound each time the kid went after the rodent, he was not terrified of rodents previously but rather turned out to be so with time Why was old style molding not a fruitful hypothesis? Difficult to test deductively, foolishly entangled as a clarification for inspired conduct (normally only a straightforward enthusiastic reaction) What did skinner accept to be valid about how youngsters create? The earth was essential wellspring of clarification for conduct, futile to consider the cerebrum and thinking forms What did skinner underline the most when it came to getting musings? We have minds, yet you didn't have to comprehend considerations to comprehend conduct What did skinner call thought? The black box What did skinner accept to be valid about getting conduct? Relations between what goes on in nature and how the living being carries on What was diverse about what Watson accepted and what skinner accepted? Skinner didnt believe that old style molding was all that significant , he leveled that conduct is anticipated by remunerations and disciplines What is support? Things happen all the more as often as possible on the off chance that they are compensated What is elimination? When prizes are removed, the conduct IS probably going to quit happening What is discipline? Rather than something fulfilling occurring, something unfavorable followed What did bandeau accept to be valid about turn of events? Individuals learn things observationally and mimicking others (good example) What is the basic qualification in information and execution? Regardless of whether we realize how to accomplish something we dont consistently do it What did bandeau accept about the mind? Conduct is psychologically based What did bandeau accept to be the most remarkable rationale being developed? Self-adequacy: ones confidence in his/her capacity to control their own life, (it isn't what they know yet what they accept about themselves) What the prevailing model in the mid asss? Ecological model What was the name of the prevailing model before Pigged? Robotic youngster: kids create as a machine, unsurprising What did Pigged expect about a kid? Dynamic member, relationship with the world is versatile, youngster is making balance, compelled by what the kid definitely knows What sort of scholars did Pigged accept kids were? In a general sense diverse sort of scholars, not simply unpracticed and juvenile Pigged on A-not-B? ; Babies fizzle at this assignment since they don't have the idea of Object lastingness. For 8-1 a-month-olds, an item is acting and detecting. Its area, the pursuit itself, is a piece of the article, Babies more established than a year, prevail at the assignment since they can frame and conceptual mental portrayal of the item. What was the way to Piglets conduct about small kids? Small kids were basically not less gifted or found out about denied objects, they can't separate the idea of an article from the moves it makes to recover it from un der a fabric (A Not Be) What is the self-assurance hypothesis? While individuals are frequently propelled to act by outer rewards, for example, cash, prizes, and approval (known as extraneous inspiration), self-assurance hypothesis centers essentially around inside wellsprings of inspiration, for example, a need to pick up information or freedom (known as natural inspiration). As per self-assurance hypothesis, individuals need to feel the accompanying so as to accomplish such mental development Competence: People need to pick up dominance f undertakings and learn various abilities Connection or Relatedness: People need to encounter a feeling of having a place and connection with others.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Social Networking in the Workplace - 1512 Words
Running head: SOCIAL NETWORKING IN THE WORKPLACE Social Networking in the Workplace: Are There Benefits to Using Social Networking in the Workplace? Jaime Holt Strayer University Abstract Social networking has become as popular as the telephone, email, and Internet. This new medium brings concerns of confidentiality and liability to many organizations. However, it has also proven to be an effective recruiting and marketing tool. Many employers are struggling with finding a way to monitor employee’s usage and content, while promoting their company at the same time. Social Networking in the Workplace: Are There Benefits to Using Social Networking in the Workplace? Social media has come a long way. From Facebook to†¦show more content†¦Not only are these sites great for recruitment, but they also allow companies to quickly update people about unfolding events, like conferences, and also inform the community of potential threats, such as the H1N1 outbreak. Many of these updates are posted using Twitter, which is the site that asks, â€Å"What are you doing?†in 140 characters or less. Large organizations, like the Society for Human Resource Management use Twitter to publicize annual conferences (Twitter Is the Latest Electronic Tool, 2009). Social networking sites also allow companies to communicate news and details about special offers directly to the consumer. It also allows for the consumer to give feedback and receive an actual response from a live person, rather than an automated email. Daniel Schwartz, an attorney with Pullman Comley LLP, described Twitter as â€Å"a unique comm unication tool that, if used properly, can really help a company grow in outreach and brand marketing.†Not only do these sites help with brand marketing and recruitment, but they also create a record of activity which can prove to be a useful tool to the employer who notices there is too much activity on the sites from employees during work hours (Twitter is Latest Electronic Tool, 2009). When using social media as a recruitment or marketing tool it is important to set someShow MoreRelatedSocial Networking in Today’s Workplace Essay1073 Words  | 5 Pages Social Networking in Today’s Workplace Abstract This research examines the risk associated with employees accessing social networking sites from the workplace. It explores employer concerns over what employees say on these sites and what malware employees bring into corporate networks. 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Generations in the Workforce The fast paced evolution of social media and social networking has required businesses to quickly adapt to avoid falling behind their competition and their customers. A unique feature of the evolving workplace is that entire corporations are involved, it’s not only the younger generation or only the experienced generation but rather, it affects everyone. This new frontier adds value in many ways including faster service, more direct customer feedback, as well asRead MoreThe Impact of Social Media on Youth and Adults1646 Words  | 7 Pages Overview of topic and issues discussed Social networks like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter allow individuals to connect with anyone from coworkers to former classmates. The accessibility of these connections allow for individuals to feel easily connected to a larger community, but they have downsides. From false senses of connection, to data pervasiveness ,social networking is something that effects all groups within our culture to the point where we will have to decide if it is benefical or
Friday, May 15, 2020
Greek History Essay Example Pdf - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2089 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category History Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Are there any special insights to be had from analysing Greek history in terms of either class or status? Greek history cannot be viewed as complete without analysing the class structure and status, as most of the historical evidence we have acquired from the classical period have come from inscriptions and sculptures made by one particular class of people, who had a high status in society. Thusly it is not necessarily about gaining special insights as it is gaining as complete an insight into Greek Ancient history as possible, though special insights will inevitably present themselves. This side of Greek history has only been focused on since these issues have come to the fore in modern times what with Marxism and communism rising in the 20th Century; these issues of class and status come under classical scrutiny because it is inevitable that they were as relevant then as they are now because human nature does not change and you will see clea r comparisons. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Greek History Essay Example Pdf" essay for you Create order Only men native to a particular city-state who were free and owned land were entitled to the full protection of the law in a city-state and be considered citizens. The Athenian social structure consisted of the population being divided up into four classes based on wealth. This differs from Sparta where all male citizens who finished their education were considered equal. So it is clear that insights can be gained from analysing Greek history because both class and status are issues that classical historians must understand in order to have as complete as possible outlook on Greek history. People who were not part of the free land owning citizens were known as metics. Foreigners who moved into the city were part of this group, so too were slaves who had been freed. It can certainly be argued that this is exploitation of and looking down on certain groups of people showing us a special insight into how the different classes saw each other and the status each acquired. Th is insight could not be attained without analysing the class or status. Because they did not have the technology we have today in antiquity, G. E. M. de Ste. Croix argues in his book The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World that the dominant wealthy classes continued to dominate by demanding a lot more than was actually necessary from the lower classes. Such things as slavery, serfs, debt bondsmen and many other methods were employed to stop the lower classes from rebelling by keeping them busy. This is backed up by people such as Aristotle, who wrote in his Politics that men (meaning citizens of the state) were rational animals but slaves and women were not capable of reason. He called slaves animate tools whose only use was to obey the commands of the rich masters. In his Politics work he writes, But among barbarians no distinction is made between women and slaves, because there is no natural ruler among them: they are a community of slaves, male and female. Where fore the poets say, It is meet that Hellenes should rule over barbarians; as if they thought that the barbarian and the slave were by nature one. This gives us some clear insight into the mindset of the citizens of Greek city states. There is a common misconception amongst people that Greece was a unified nation that thought as one. But, I have already displayed a difference between two different cities in Greece and their social structures were quite different and these differences do offer us special insights. Greece was not one nation operating under the same thinking, but it contained many different identities, it is both a Mediterranean and a Balkan country. In fact, an official Greek state did not come into being until Rome united it as one. There were hundreds of different states across the area which contained the people who became known as the Greeks. Loyalty was held to their own city states, rather than Greece as a whole. We can also gain some insight in to daily life when analysing Greek history in terms of class or status. Most of the population were forced to work on the soil by those that were free citizens who were a small number of wealthy landowners and owned a lot of land. The slaves would work on the wealthy landowners land, there was little alternative to this. So they were viewed as mere tools, as the aforementioned quote from Aristotle shows, describing them as animate tools as if they were modern day tractors or any other tool that makes agriculture easier, for the wealthy landowner at least. There is also another area of study, apart from the relationship between the wealthy landowning citizens and the metics and slaves which is about how business in general was conducted in Ancient Greece that is opened to us once we study Ancient Greece from the perspective of status and class. Paul Millet suggests that patronage has had so little written about it that one might think it did not even exist in the Ancient Gree k World. However, it must be said, with what little evidence we have; Sparta is the city-state we have the most evidence for patronage, but below this is Athens. Athens was viewed as the most advanced democracy of the time, and the aforementioned Aristotle also viewed it as such, despite its inequalities. This quote from Aristotles Politics is relevant here as, remembering his previously quoted view on barbarians, here he is talking about the citizens of the perfect democracy, which does not include slaves, women, metics and others: Democracy arose from the idea that those who are equal in any respect are equal absolutely. All are alike free, therefore they claim that they are all equal absolutely. Athens has always been said to have been the first true democracy by mainstream classical historians, special insight can be gained here from studying Ancient Greek history from a class and status perspective to denounce that myth. Though all members of the citizenship of Ath ens could vote at the assembly, the vast majority of the people who actually lived in Athens, like the metics, women, slaves and others could not vote or have any say in political life. Comparisons can be drawn to today here as, before Solons reforms slavery was given as a punishment for debt. This is comparable to today and offer special insight because today personal debt is at an all time high, particularly in America and Britain and if the debt becomes too high the banks send bailiffs to seize your property and your home effectively removing you from the citizenship and making you a metic. Using the Marxist ideology adopted by de Ste Croix in his aforementioned book, more comparisons can be drawn to today as a small minority of the people still maintain all the wealth. The means of production concept is also as relevant then as it is now and the owners of the means of production, the bourgeoisie still control it thus forcing the common man or the proletariat into wor king in order to survive. This in effect is slavery as they have no other choice but to work and feed the means of production to keep the wheels of democracy and capitalism turning. Analysing the status of women also offers special insights into Greek History that would otherwise have gone unnoticed by the male dominated classical period. The role of the female in Ancient Greece was one of purely being a housekeeper and a mother to any children she may have. As I have said, there was no way for them to get involved in political life. Plays like Aristophanes Lysistrata shows that the very idea of women being in power was considered completely ludicrous and was only relevant when they wanted to make a joke. Like slaves, women could hold no possessions as they belonged to her father and then once she is married to her husband. Their primary function of looking after the home included the use of many slaves, sorting out finances, spinning, bread making and of course weaving w hich is the epitomy of the feminine thing to do as in evidence from Homers The Odyssey. They lived and ate in separate quarters from the men, nor could they go out in public on their own. Spartan women had it better as they were allowed to take part in athletic competitions and generally had more freedoms. Comparisons can be drawn here with modern times also as in the Islamic faith women are encouraged not to be seen in public and in the Christian faith women have always been vilified. This is clearly special insight being drawn from Greeces Ancient history as studying the status or class both offer the opportunity to compare social issues from ancient times to today, as they are clearly still relevant. We can also gain insight from this because Athens direct democracy may not have worked if it werent for its usage of such strict requirements to be allowed to participate. This creates insightful debate over this very reasoning meaning that it was not a democracy per se, b ut rather a democracy for the few where only a small section of society could participate and be elected. Comparisons can also be drawn to today with the long Bush-Clinton dynasty heading towards their fourth straight president, who comes from the same elite wealthy section of society. But the only difference is that the debt slaves of modern times actually choose not to participate instead of being forced not to as was the case in Ancient Athens. A more obvious comparison to modern times and what we can learn from the Ancient Greeks is the modern examples of literal slavery as opposed to the economic enslavement I have spoken of. Slaves in near modern times are quite comparible to those of Ancient times and thus offer an interesting insight into Greek history and what we can learn from it in terms of their mistakes, before slavery was abolished in 1863 in America many people were taken from Africa and elsewhere to America to work as slaves. This is quite reminiscent of the barbarians I quoted Aristotle speaking of earlier, saying how they were less than human. This was the kind of attitude that allowed slavery to continue for as long as it did, and as Western society takes its origins from classical history it is then easy to understand why it was so readily accepted. The same comparisons can be drawn about the treatment of women and minority groups whose racism they had to endure is similar to the treatment and opinions of barbarians at the time. In conclusion, what constitutes special insight can be interpreted many different ways but I feel that it relates to the information we can gain that has previously been ignored by the classical history establishment, in favour of focusing solely on the elite wealthy landowners without considering the slaves and the people who did not necessarily have a voice. This is why I feel de Ste. Croixs use of Marxist ideology in his book The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World is extremely apt in p ortraying this special insight as it effectively shows the same system of control that is employed today as back in the Ancient Greek World in a different format to today, but still ultimately debt slavery. It also offers special insight in the general goings on of Ancient Greek society with the question of status and class relating to patronages usage and if it was even used at all as the lack of it in history books would suggest. The biggest special insight I feel it offers in terms of either class or status is that it shows the lack of willingness to make the unheard voices heard, it clearly shows that Greek history is written by those that dominated it and its majority of people living there as slaves, metics, women will unfortunately remain an unheard voice in the trumpeting of the creators of democracy we apparently hold so dear today. References De Ste. Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World, Duckworth Ed, 1997 Paul Millet, Patronage in Ancient Society, Routledge, 1989 Aristotle, The Politics, Jowett translation, revised by Jonathan Barnes, 1981 Homer, The Odyssey, E.V. Rieu translation, Penguin Books, 2003. Arisophanes, Lysistrata and Other Plays, Alan H. Sommerstein translation, 2003 Professor Paul Cartledge, Critics and Critiques of Athenian Democracy, 1st January 2001, BBC:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Theory Of The Field Image Repair Theory - 1687 Words
Theories of the field Image Repair Theory (IRT), created by William L. Benoit, evolved from the theory of apologia. The idea of apologia is that it is â€Å"natural for an attack on a person’s character to create a response from that person because when the public witnesses an attack on a person’s morality, motives or reputation, they expect a response from the accused,†(Brown, 2015, p.15). If someone takes a shot at a person’s character, people want to see what that person’s response. The way in which a person responds to a personal attack will show the public what a person’s true character is. The public will then form an opinion about the accused person, giving the person a good or bad image. Individuals place great importance on their image and reputation and when an image is threatened, people are motivated to do anything it takes to protect it. -Definition of Image Repair Theory (Benoit) -Benoits response strategies -Evaluate using LittleJohn However, Coombs (2010) and Coombs and Schmidt (2000) argued that IRT was not specifically designed for organizational crisis communication and is more geared toward the repair of an individual’s image, which led to the development of SCCT as an organizational crisis communication theoretical framework. P.25 Situational crisis communication theory- Coombs What is a Case Study? A case can consist of an individual, a group, a community, an institution, or even countries. Miller and Salkind argue, â€Å"The case study approach toShow MoreRelatedThe Different Types Of Academic Journals825 Words  | 4 Pagesacademic discipline. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Civil aircraft manufacturing industry Essay Example For Students
Civil aircraft manufacturing industry Essay Outline1 1. Introduction2 2. Cardinal Divers for alteration3 2.1 Recession4 2.2 Fuel monetary value increased5 2.3 Political influence6 2.4 Government assistance7 2.5 Technology Innovation8 3. The Structure of the civil aircraft fabrication industry9 3.1 Porter s five forces analysis10 3.2 Industry life rhythm11 4. Mentions 1. Introduction Civil aircraft fabrication industry is one of the largest industries in the universe which Boeing and Airbus are the two big participants who dominated the industry. The chief former rivals have exited civil aircraft fabricating market, for case, Boeing merged with McDonnell Douglas Corp in August 1997 ( Boeing, 2010a ) , and left Airbus and Boeing operating in a close duopoly planetary market. Boeing now headquartered in Chicago and employs more than 158,000 people in 70 states with $ 60.9 billion gross in 2008 which founded in 1916 ( Boeing, 2010b ) . Airbus, by contrast, created in 1970 with 52,000 employees comes from more than 80 nationalities ( Airbus, 2010 ) and gained aaˆsAÂ ¬43.3 billion grosss ( EADS, 2008 ) . Apparently, it is critical of import for new participant to last and thrive by analyzing the macro and sector environment. This study tries to seek the critical success factors and measure whether this is an attractive sector to vie in by research secondary infor mation. This study will get down with evaluate key drivers for alteration in order to cognize the external environment issues. Second, Porter s five force analysis and industry life rhythm will set about to analysis the construction of this industry. Finally, the study is traveling to reason critical success factors from the findings draw from last two stairss. 2. Cardinal Divers for alteration Macro-environmental influences sometimes are important of import for an administration to last and thrive. Therefore, there are five external key diver listed below and pull from PESTEL analysis about civil aircraft fabrication industry. 2.1 Recession Global economic recession had impact on civil aircraft fabrication in several facets. On one manus, the direct influence is the two companies received fewer orders than earlier. For case, the figure of orders Boeing received decreased significantly in 2009 ( 142 ) compared to 2008 ( 662 ) and 2007 ( 1,417 ) ( Talton, 2010 ) . On the other manus, the recession had led to downsizing in both Boeing and Airbus. For illustration, Boeing announced that it would cut 4,500 occupations ( Weber, 2009 ) . So the new entrants can derive entree to the expertness in this industry easy. It means the new maestro of those staff will cognize non merely the market but besides some secret of the two chief rivals. 2.2 Fuel monetary value increased Fuel monetary value is besides an influence for aircraft fabrication industry. Harmonizing to The Times ( 2008 ) , more than $ 100 billion of aircraft orders have cancelled or postponed resulted from high monetary value of fuel. It indicates that if one company can bring forth the more environment-friendly aircraft will pull possible purchasers who want to take advantage of low fuel cost. 2.3 Political influence Political influences sometimes are critical of import for fabricating industry. For illustration, IATA had introduced emanation policy options in order to better fuel efficiency and emanations for protecting environment ( IATA, 2010 ) . Otherwise, the companies need to pay immense fund. Therefore, some companies need to redesign the constituent such as engine and exhaust system. Furthermore, some authoritiess intervene international trade is another issue can non disregard, viz. , late Boeing suffered menace from Chinese authorities after United States weaponries sold to Taiwan ( Lubin, 2010 ) . 2.4 Government assistance Both of Boeing and Airbus on a regular basis accuses the other of having unjust province assistance from their several authoritiess, viz. , the WTO Boeing-Airbus difference ( European Commission, 2007 ) . The ground why is aircraft fabricating company demand important saddle horses of money to put up and put in research and development. For illustration, Gresing and Johnsson ( 2007 ) cited pure development cost of Boeing 787 was $ 10 billion. .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 , .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 .postImageUrl , .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 , .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61:hover , .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61:visited , .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61:active { border:0!important; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61:active , .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61 .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf0a49faf476fdc067c8ee2f3089e5d61:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Nile River Essay2.5 Technology Innovation Advanced engineerings are one of the cardinal factors for this industry. It helps the company non merely maintain the distinction of merchandise but besides save internal resources. Boeing 787 dreamliner is a life cogent evidence to turn out this, viz. , 50 per centum of the primary construction of Boeing 787 is made of composite stuffs to accomplish higher strength-to-weight ratio ( Hawk, 2005 ) . In add-on, Boeing announced General Electric and Rolls-Royce have developed new engines which will better the fuel efficiency about 20 % compared to Boeing 767 ( Boeing, 2010c ) . The new aircraft will pull clients who want to take advantage of lower care cost. 3. The Structure of the civil aircraft fabrication industry Porter s five force analysis and industry life rhythm will set about below in order to measure whether civil aircraft fabrication industry is an attractive sector to vie in. 3.1 Porter s five forces analysis Appendix 7.1 illustrates the Porter s five forces analysis and it will depict below. 3.1.1 Menaces of entrants 3.1.2 Supplier power 3.1.3 Buyer power 3.1.4 Menaces of replacement 3.1.5 Competitive competition 3.2 Industry life rhythm Appendix 7.2 shows the industry life rhythm for civil aircraft industry. This study considers the phase of civil aircraft industry life rhythm is in the terminal of shock-out and in the beginning of the adulthood because of this industry still maintains some characteristics in shake-out phase and derive new characteristics in the 4th phase. Both shake-out and adulthood phase have some similar features, like the low and slow growing and high entry barrier. For illustration, boeing and Airbus suffered from the crisp deceasing figure of order at Duhai show in 2009 ( EASA, 2009 ) . On the other facet, Airbus and Boeing received authorities assistance from Europe and United States severally. It besides indicates that it is hard to last in this industry without authorities support. In other words, at least the cost of threshold resource and competency are rather high. However, the state of affairs of this industry is besides carry throughing the some sole features of the two phases, viz. , in shake-out phase smaller participant in this industry were forced issue or acquired with the Boeing and Airbus resulted in left a close duopoly market for the two giants. Boeing merged McDonnell Douglas Corp is one illustration ( Boeing, 2010a ) . Meanwhile, the ferocious competition with challengers will go on due to the strong purchaser power resulted from more participants compete in this industry such as China, Brazil ( Goodrich, 2009 ) . 4. Mentions Airbus ( 2010 ) Employees from all corners of the universe Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // / Boeing ( 2010a ) The Boeing Logbook: 1997-2001 Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Boeing ( 2010b ) Boeing in Brief Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Boeing ( 2010c ) Boeing 787 Dreamliner Will Provide New Solutions for Airlines, Passengers Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // EADS ( 2008 ) Financial Statements 2008 pp.9 Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // EASA ( 2009 ) European Aviation Safety Agency News Summary 14/11/2009 20/11/2009 pp.1 Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // European Commission ( 2007 ) The WTO Boeing-Airbus difference ( updated 15 June 2007 ) pp.1 Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Goodrich ( 2009 ) Goodrich and China s XAIC Agree to From Joint Venture Companies Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // c=60759 A ; p=irol-newsArticle A ; ID=1319837 A ; highlight= Greising, D A ; Johnsson Julie ( 2007 ) Behind Boeing s 787 holds pp.2 Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Hawk, J ( 2005 ) The Boeing 787 Dreamliner: More Than an Airplane pp.10-11 Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // IATA ( 2010 ) Emission Policy Options Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Lubin, G ( 2010 ) China Threatens Unprecedented Sanctions Against Boeing After US Arms Gross saless to Taiwan Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 , .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 .postImageUrl , .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 , .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965:hover , .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965:visited , .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965:active { border:0!important; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965:active , .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965 .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua5d6e0789a2f5cfe9f0859e8995b1965:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: English Lamott EssayTalton, J ( 2010 ) Boeing s bead in orders shows recession s effects still linger Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // The Times ( 2008 ) Menace to aircraft orders as fuel monetary values surge Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Weber, J ( 2009 ) Boeing Will Cut 4,500 Jobs Retrieved from: hypertext transfer protocol: //
Monday, April 13, 2020
The Position Of Asian-Americans In The Bay Area Political Economy free essay sample
Examines the Asian population in the Bay Area in three steps: a demographic overview, analysis of two recent events (campaign finance scandal and Prop. 187) and an analysis of a new unification of the various Asian-American communities. The Position of AsianAmericans in the Bay Area Political Economy Introduction Historically, the AsianAmerican community of the Bay Area which numbers well over one million people, has had trouble organizing itself into activist collectives and learning to speak with one voice (Lee, 1994). During the last several months, events have forced the disparate community to put aside certain cultural and ethnic differences and join forces to fight a formidable foe the modern, American metroplex. This paper studies the AsianAmerican population of the Bay Area in three main parts. The first section provides a statistical overview of the AsianAmerican population. The second section discusses two recent events which have had a major impact on the AsianAmerican community. We will write a custom essay sample on The Position Of Asian-Americans In The Bay Area Political Economy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The third section shows how those same events have
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
contrast Brave New World To Today
In today’s society, genetic engineering may gain the power to endanger the behavior of humanity as in the novel Brave New World. In the past few years, scientists have gained knowledge about cloning that could impact our lives for centuries to come. There are many benefits of cloning, but they may outweigh the possibility of losing genetic diversity, facing genetic discrimination, and the unreal consequences portrayed in the science fiction novel, Brave New World. BNW is a novel written by Aldoux Huxley. The novel Brave New World is like no other in fantasy and satire. It predicts a future overpowered by technology where the people have no religion. In this science fiction book, Huxley writes about the future in London. In the future people are produced by cloning in a world that is free of pain and suffering. Everyone is kept in a happy state and if their happiness is threatened then they take a drug to relax them and bring them back to their exultant life. Along with the absence of pain and suffering is also love and caring. Each person is conditioned to play a certain role in this utopian society. A man named Bernard Marx feels like he does not fit into this so called perfect society. He feels like there is something he is missing out on. Consequently, his differences lead to disaster. Having read Brave New World, any person can see that being different than everyone else is this utopia world could lead to tragedy. In the novel BNW, science controls every aspect of life. Huxley developed a world where technology became so advanced that it literally created a world of its own. The technology Huxley wrote about could create 96 human beings where only one grew before. People were divided into five castes. Each caste of people were all identical. Everyone was given certain characteristics to have a place in society. Everyone was conditioned to like certain things and to have certain desires. No one in BNW is a... contrast Brave New World To Today Free Essays on Compare/contrast Brave New World To Today In today’s society, genetic engineering may gain the power to endanger the behavior of humanity as in the novel Brave New World. In the past few years, scientists have gained knowledge about cloning that could impact our lives for centuries to come. There are many benefits of cloning, but they may outweigh the possibility of losing genetic diversity, facing genetic discrimination, and the unreal consequences portrayed in the science fiction novel, Brave New World. BNW is a novel written by Aldoux Huxley. The novel Brave New World is like no other in fantasy and satire. It predicts a future overpowered by technology where the people have no religion. In this science fiction book, Huxley writes about the future in London. In the future people are produced by cloning in a world that is free of pain and suffering. Everyone is kept in a happy state and if their happiness is threatened then they take a drug to relax them and bring them back to their exultant life. Along with the absence of pain and suffering is also love and caring. Each person is conditioned to play a certain role in this utopian society. A man named Bernard Marx feels like he does not fit into this so called perfect society. He feels like there is something he is missing out on. Consequently, his differences lead to disaster. Having read Brave New World, any person can see that being different than everyone else is this utopia world could lead to tragedy. In the novel BNW, science controls every aspect of life. Huxley developed a world where technology became so advanced that it literally created a world of its own. The technology Huxley wrote about could create 96 human beings where only one grew before. People were divided into five castes. Each caste of people were all identical. Everyone was given certain characteristics to have a place in society. Everyone was conditioned to like certain things and to have certain desires. No one in BNW is a...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Compile an Annotated Bibligoraphy for Pro and Con Stances Research Paper
Compile an Annotated Bibligoraphy for Pro and Con Stances - Research Paper Example They argue that a proper implementation of policies may be the solution to reduce gun crime. Benady, D. (2007, November 29). Selling an anti-gun culture. Marketing Week, 24-25. A discussion of gun trade from the perspective of those in the market. Several laws on regulating gun trade is built from the premise of leniency of control, and is tantamount to increase in gun-related hostilities. There is less or a deficiency of considerations made to the effects of the control of legal trade of guns, which brings in millions of dollars in a year. Coalition to Stop Gun Violence & Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. (2008). America’s gun shows: open markets for criminals. PEAR’s 6th Annual Leadership Conference. Cambridge, MA: Program in Education, Afterschool & Resiliency. This is a report regarding the increasing prevalence and access of guns, along with the discussion on the perspective that the more prevalent these guns are before the eyes of the public, the greater the degree of control on gun trade. In this line of argumentation, policies in gun control are proposed to lead to a decrease in crime rate. Coleman, K., Jansson, K., Kaiza, P., & Reed, R. (2007). Homicides, firearm offences and intimate violence 2005/2006: Supplementary volume 1 to crime in England and Wales 2005/2006. London, UK: Home Office Statistical Bulletin. This report focuses on statistical evaluations of various trends of crime such as homicide, and other more â€Å"intimate†crimes, such as suicide and parricide. These trends are evaluated in comparison to the data gathered from the police in England and Whales. According to statistics, gun crime victims showed a slight decrease from 75 to 50 from year 2004 to year 2006. Congressional Research Service, Report RS22458. (2008, February 1). Gun control: statutory disclosure limitations on ATF firearms trace data and multiple handgun sales reports. Retrieved from This rep ort is an assessment of the implementation of the policy on gun control througout the history of the United States. It aims to show that such a policy has brought about substantial effects to variables such as the increase in gun-related crime, violence, firearm sales, the formation of gangs, and even as far as the increase in the rate of school drop-outs. Cukier, W. and Sidel, V. W. (2006). The global gun epidemic: from Saturday night specials to AK-47s. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International. This report is an assessment of gun trade from a global perspective. It seeks to establish the connection between gun trade and crime. The business of firearms and other weapons is most noteworthy in countries that engage in hostilities such crimes against civilians and other international war crimes. The author argues for the implementation of a policy for gun control. Egley, A., Jr., and Ritz, C. E. (2006). Highlights of the 2004 national youth gang survey (fact sheet). Washington, DC : U. S. Department of Justice. This report shows an attempt to strengthen the connection between violence and the ease of accessibility of guns to that of the youth. It was emphasized that the rise of firearm related violence and the incidence of crimes such as robbery, theft, and physical injuries have been the major concern of many. Thus, a proper implementation of
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Book Report on Johnnie Cochran's book A Lawyer's Life Essay
Book Report on Johnnie Cochran's book A Lawyer's Life - Essay Example In order to better understand not only this particular piece of literature but as well the author, Johnnie Cochran himself, we must thoroughly address and discuss the most major and significant areas within this book, and as well any and all key related factors and issues that are involved here. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Cochran approaches a number of different issues in this book, and he tries to explain each one as thoroughly as he possibly can. The literature drifts from one legal matter to the next, really showcasing off his history of work, and one of the most major issues that he tries to bring to attention within it is the reasoning as to why so many African-Americans have a jaded view of the legal system overall. In the beginning of the book Cochran speaks about how he actually began in the business and how he considered himself as having derived "from conceptions of the lawyer embodied by both Dershowitz and Kunstler, leading to an awkward notion of the lawyer's vocation in which contradictory ideals are willfully joined and then corrupted for the sake of convenience (65). Cochran makes numerous different memorable and significant quotes throughout his book, including where he stated that "If one man cannot get a fair trial, no matter how hideous his crime or evil the man, none of us can be certain of getting a fair trial." (72). Another issue that Another issue that Cochran makes significant note of in this literature is in regards to Kunstler's romantic model of the activist lawyer, and he uses this to somewhat reference the strong identifications that he feels he shares with his clients. As he also states in the book, "I looked down and saw that my hands were shaking, not with apprehension but with the power of revelationBeing a lawyer means not only sharing the pain of other people's suffering but also accepting the burden of their trust. In the final moment, being a lawyer isn't about winning or losing. It's about keeping faith." (101). Cochran calculates quite exactly throughout the book, making references to at least parts of most of his cases as well as cases including other credible and notable lawyers, such as Kunstler, and he appeals incredibly to the Kunstler model in order to lay claim to being an African American leader. There is also a certain reliance that is shown by Cochran, particularly on that of the issue of political activism, especially when he feels that he should have evoked the legal process. One of the most significant issues that are discussed however is that of racism and about how his background has helped - and as well in ways negate - cases and other issues that took place during his career. As he states, "There's something in your background, in your character, that helps you understand that this is wrong. Maybe you are the right people, at the right time, at the right place, to say, 'No more, we are not going to have this. This is wrong'." (125). From this review we can conclude many different things, several which are of particular importance, and that includes the matter of racism and how Cochran feels that it is an issue within the judicial system. We truly get to grasp at least a remote idea of Cochran's background and history as a lawyer but more so we get to understand how he feels about being a lawyer and who the figures are in his life that have influenced him along the way. Although there are certainly parts throughout
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Wall in Robert Frosts Mending Wall As A Symbol of Division Essay Example for Free
The Wall in Robert Frosts Mending Wall As A Symbol of Division Essay The ordinarily mundane takes a thought arousing spin in one of Robert Frost’s earlier works, â€Å"Mending Wall†. This poem is a striking take on an otherwise commonplace ritual between two farmers in the spring. Because the poem is in blank verse, it carries a casual folksy feel throughout, contradictory to its deeper message and paradoxical tone. â€Å"Good fences make good neighbors. †This line is a paradox when compared with the previous statement, â€Å"Something there is that doesn’t love a wall. †Fences equate to walls, and what are walls but provisional boundaries? The boundary in this story is a fence made of stone that separates the properties of two neighboring farmers. This wall is the focal point of the poem, the subject that brings to attention the divide between individuals. The speaker one day finds the wall broken from what appears to be the after effects of winter. He calls his neighbor to meet with him to fix the wall and does so annually. The wall is ironic in that although it separates the two individuals, it brings them together once a year. The two live united, but separated. The wall is a metaphor for the separation between the speaker and the neighbor and perhaps even a greater analogy for the division of people as a society. These divisions could include a division of thought, which we see is different for the two characters. The speaker believes that the wall is unnecessary when he asks his neighbor, â€Å"Why do they make good fences? Isn’t it where there are cows? But here there are no cows. †His neighbor replies with the same old adage he stated before. It is apparent that the neighbor and speaker are of differing opinions and backgrounds. We might even assume that the neighbor and speaker are of different ages, meaning there may be a generational gap between the two that creates this difference of opinion. â€Å"Something there is, that doesn’t love a wall That sends the frozen ground swell underneath it. †A reversal of syntax in the first line paints the narrative in a decidedly ambiguous manor and leaves it up to the reader to interpret what â€Å"something†could be. We find out later that that something likely is nature, or the natural forces of winter. The wall is portrayed as an unnatural thing, something that is not a part of nature, something that does not fit in with the natural environment. This notion is supported when he later states, â€Å"To each the boulders have fallen to each. And some are loaves and some are so nearly balls we have to use a spell to make them balance†. Frost suggests that there is a natural force tearing down the walls because the walls are not natural. The narrator stresses that the rocks that make up the wall fit together so unnaturally and so imperfectly that they need a â€Å"spell†to help them balance. Spells are unnatural and are magical, so it is as if the wall is held up by spells. We can garner from the text that this particular wall has many forces out to destroy it(eg. natural tolls, animals, hunters, etc. ) and its destruction is an annual occurrence. Even its reoccurring destruction implies its unnaturalness and that nature does not agree with it. Perhaps nature itself is intent on destroying the wall, as it is an unnatural extension of man and all unnatural extensions of man(eg. skyscrapers, buildings, cities) are meant to fall down to nature at some point. The paradox again is that the wall is made of stone, or natural elements, and this wall is destroyed each year. Perhaps the destruction is a reflection of the speaker’s desire to break down the physical and imaginary boundary between the two neighbors that the wall represents.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Ray Harryhausen :: essays research papers
Ray Harryhausen is the greatest artist in stop-motion animation. With a career that spans 40 years of cinema, he became a by-word for innovation, excitement and entertainment in the world of special effects and film fantasy.      Born 1920 in Los Angelas, Harryhausen from an early age was facinated with stop-motion animation due to seeing King Komg at the agee of thirteen. Ray Harryhausen was given an opertunity to persue a dream and learn from the greatest of animators, Willis O’Brien. American Film magazine, (June 1981 p 49) â€Å"I had a magnicficent two year period while working on Mighty Joe Young with Obie†, â€Å"covering the long perproduction and photography. He was so involved in production problems that I ended up animating about eighty-five percent og the picture†.      After ganing vital experience with Willis o’Brien and having completed studies at the University of Southern California in painting, drama, sculpting, anatomy and photography. Ray Harryhausen produced a series of short films called Mother Goose Fairy Tales. Coming to the final phase of the series, Ray Harryhausen was approached by a young producer, Charles Schneer,and formed a productive patnership which lasted over thrity years. Ray Harryhausen and Charles Schneer went to work and produced a whole series during the science fiction boom of the 1950’s. Titles included It Came from Beneath the Sea, Earth versus the Flying Saucers and in 1957, Twenty Million Miles to Earth.      It was also in this period that Ray Harryhausen pioneered his new form of stop-motion animation – Dynamation – which then became a key feature consistant through out all of his work.      Breaking away from the 1950’s had Ray Harryhausen and Charles Schneer leaving science fiction behind and venture into the world of fantasy, fairy tale amd mythology.. in the decaide of 1950 to 1960, they both produced the highly acclaimed Seventh Voyage of Sinbad. This was also they’re first opportunity to use colour film.      In 1963, Ray Harryhausen produced his most famous and successful film Jason and the Argonants. Quoted by Adrian Wootton interviewing Ray Harryhausen, (1)â€Å"Jason and the Argonants is also regarded by Ray Harryhausen himself, as his most complete film, incorporating as it does much of his seamless and yet outstanding stop-motion animation in many memorable sequences†.      Ray Harryhausen finally brought the curtain down on his film career in 1982 with his and Charles Schneer greek mythological epic, Clash of the Titans. In 1991, at the sixty-fourth Academy awards, Ray Harryhausen received belatent recognition for his abilities and received the Gordon E.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Case Study of McDonald’s Essay
In the early 1940’s, two brothers opened a burger restaurant that was based on standardized preparation called the Speedee Service System. This â€Å"burger restaurant†is now globally known as McDonald’s. In 1976, McDonald’s introduced the breakfast menu as a way to diversify sales and product selection. Today this multinational corporation serves nearly 54 million customers every day in 120 countries around the world. McDonald’s first international venture was in Richmond, British Columbia, during 1967. Two of McDonald’s main products were introduced in 1968, the Big Mac and the Egg McMuffin Sandwich. When the first McDonald’s opened in Hong Kong in 1975, they were the first restaurants to consistently offer clean bathrooms, which drove customers to demand the same standards of other restaurants and institutions. McDonald’s continually builds its brand by receiving customer input. This is why McDonald’s is known as one of the most recognizable brands in the world. This case study illustrates how McDonald’s marketing process works and how they overcome problems in the process. This case analysis will include a SWOT analysis of McDonald’s, which looks at the internal environment of strengths and weaknesses and the external environment of opportunities and threats. It then examines alternative solutions to correct weaknesses, threats, and opportunities and concludes with recommendations with exact steps and a brief conclusion. S.W.O.T. AnalysisThis analysis was developed from the McDonald’s website and various other online sources. Other information was provided by the textbook, Organization Behavior by Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki. SWOT stands for internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Opportunities and Threats. It will illustrate the opportunities and threats in McDonald’s current environment, and compare it to their internal strengths and weaknesses. We will then discuss creative strategies to align their internal environment with their external environment and provide multiple alternatives and a recommendation. Internal AnalysisMcDonald’s Corporation is a multimillion dollar global business because of the fact their strengths greatly outweigh their weaknesses. McDonalds is known globally because it is dedicated to the unparallel levels of quality service, cleanliness and values. McDonalds is also globally known because it is financially sound and recognized by the Fortune 500 and the Hoovers 500. We will provide the strengths and weakness of the McDonalds Corporation. We will also show the effect they have on their expansion throughout the globe and the direct impact it has on their financial records. This will be presented in descending order of importance throughout the strengths and weaknesses. McDonald’s SWOT AnalysisStrengths1.The Company’s developed global strategya.60% of McDonald’s sales and all of its top 10 restaurants, (in terms of sales & profits) are now overseas. b.McDonald’s adapts to each country’s specific needs & cultural differencesi. For example: In Japan, McDonald’s had to substantially adapt it’s original U.S. style menu to include a McChao(a Chinese fried rice dish). When McDonald’s introduced rice meals in Japan, sales jumped 30% in one year, and it continues to innovate in Japan with Teriyaki McBurger and Chicken Tatsuta. ii.The menu price has been adapted for each country. iii.The average Big Mac price for the U.S. is $3.00; China $1.26; Switzerland $5.64c.In 2005 McDonald’s was ranked 8th out of the top 30 global brands. 2.Adaptation to cultural preferences and trendsa.Within the past 3 years, McDonald’s has made several adaptations to their strategy by adding a more appealing breakfast menu, specialty coffees, and healthier menu options. b. McDonald’s has also managed to adapt their individual franchises to the current trends and concerns in their individual geographical locations, simultaneously cutting costs. i.For example: In Europe, McDonald’s discovered that children were content with a simple word puzzle on a menu tray or a small stuffed animal and did not require more expensive Happy meal promotions that they used in the U.S. c.This year the world’s largest restaurant chain, with 31,000 locations, will spend $1.9 billion to open 800 restaurants and reinvest in existing locations. 3.The company’s attention to global health concernsa.McDonald’s menus offer a variety of food products that can fit into balanced, active lifestyles. Restaurants typically serve several types of hamburgers, grilled and fried chicken products, and fish and, in many cases, salads, fruits, and additional sandwich options. i.Many European countries have launched Salads Plus menus, including meal-size salad choices, a side salad, fresh fruit bag, and other options. ii.McDonald’s Canada offers Toasted Deli Sandwiches. iii.McDonald’s Hong Kong has a Fresh Choices Menu, with two salads and fruit yogurt. iv.McDonald’s Australia offers a QuickStart breakfast menu, including a choice of cereals, juices, reduced fat or nonfat milk, and yogurt. v.McDonald’s Taiwan serves a Toasted Rice Burger. vi.Apples are served whole or with other foods in more than 20 countries around the world. b.Many local business units are adding new salad, fruit, and vegetable offerings. c.Local business units are also expanding Happy Meal choices to include new sandwich, side, and beverage alternatives. These reflect a System-wide goal of ensuring that Happy Meals remain a choice moms feel good about and children enjoy. 4.The Company has high environmental standards:a.Delivery Vehicles which can carry fresh, frozen and chilled food have resulted in fewer deliveries, enabling them to reduce diesel costs and fuel emissions. Also, fixed delivery schedules reduced the distance traveled in 1993 by 310,000 miles. b.Each McDonald’s restaurant is carefully designed individually to fit into its local environment. This means listening to local concerns, fitting in with local scenery and landscaping drive-thru restaurants. Over 120 McDonald’s restaurants are in conservation areas and over 30 are in Grade II listed buildings. c. McDonald’s uses a minimum of 50% recycled content in corrugated cardboard boxes and ask that their suppliers do the same. All McDonald’s food boxes and cartons are made from 72% recycled material, carry out bags are unbleached and made from 60-80% recycled material, while napkins and tray liners are 100% recycled paper. Additionally, all their picnic benches, drive=thru lane traffic bollards and most of the fencing panels are new restaurants are made from recycled polystyrene. d. McDonald’s have made a commitment that, by 1995, they had reduced the volume of solid waste by 50%. They achieved this by using the three R’s: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. 5.High percentage of minority employmenta.McDonald’s has the largest number of minority and female franchisees in the quick service industry. b.More than 40.7% of all McDonald’s US Owner/Operators are women and minorities. Weaknesses1.Worker shortagea.In all employment areas, there is a high demand for qualified workers. b.A new development that is creating even more employee demand is the new immigration laws for the country and state. 2.Employee turn-overa.It is difficult to keep the employees already employed with McDonald’s. i. McDonald’s has a turnover rate of about 35 to 40 percent. b.People consider working at McDonald’s embarrassing and look for employment elsewhere. c.Minimum wage doesn’t keep good workers around. i. $5.85 per hour beginning July 24, 2007ii.$6.55 per hour beginning July 24, 2008iii.$7.25 per hour beginning July 24, 20093.Customer trends change and so do their choicesa.Quality and taste of products is declining. b.People are generally tired of the same brands that they had been using over the years, so when they do not see the expected innovation they migrate to new brands. c.People see McDonald’s every where and this over exposure might also be a reason for abstinence. Moreover maintaining the standards of such a huge chain becomes feasible and when there is lack of quality service in one store it effects the whole brand. External Analysis The constant improvements in technology and the competitive marketplace challenge McDonald’s with many opportunities and threats. McDonald’s has a great management team that constantly looks for new opportunities because McDonald’s is the industry standard on technology. Other opportunities for McDonald’s would be to expand to all developing and developed countries around the world. Among the current and future threats, there are thousands of fast-food chains in the world, most of the new fast-food franchises are concentrating on having a healthy image, so therefore McDonald’s needs to continue to improve their healthy choice menu. This will be presented in descending order of importance throughout the opportunities and threats. Opportunities1.New Technologiesa.Computers that are also tablesi.These computers that are also tables will be very handy because people do not like standing in lines and having to wait to order. Now all customers have to do is find a table and sit down and start ordering. This will pay off even more because customers will be able to special order their food easier which will in-turn reduce the mess up orders because customers will do it themselves. ii.These computer tables will also make it very easy for customers to pay for their food or even split the bill if they want to. All customers will have to do is lay their credit card or debit card down on the table and then pick what food you want to pay for and drag it over to where your card is laying and then click ok that is correct then use your finger to sign for the bill. 2.International Expansion and Franchisinga.There are only 17,000 McDonald’s around the world and only located in 119 different countries. i.There are 194 countries in the world and McDonald’s has lost of room to expand there restaurants to new countries. ii.McDonald’s main concentration of expanding is in the ever growing in population of China. McDonald’s wants to build as many drive thru’s there as possible for the fast passed living. They have done research that there are 30,000 filling stations to put them in. b.Selling corporate owned McDonald’s and turning them into franchises at home and abroad. i.Sold 18 businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean’s. As a result these two countries will in turn franchise 1,600 restaurants. 3.New Food Items and New Programsa.Here in America we are accustomed to one of the programs that they are trying to add all over the world. This would be known as the dollar menu. In Europe they are calling it the â€Å"Eurosaver†, China has the RMB 5, and Latin America features the McMenu. b.In Latin America they are experimenting with something called McAhorro. This is a program of special pricing of certain products during certain times of the day or on carious days of the week. c.In Egypt their McDonald’s are trying something completely new to McDonald’s and this is having a carryout. Other countries also doing this now are Turkey, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia. d.New food items that became popular in Latin America are the McCafe coffee and dessert concepts. Which are Expanding to other McDonald’s in other countries to see how they fair. e.New Healthy Foodsi.Toasted deli sandwiches have now been put on a couple of McDonald’s menus in Canadaii.McDonald’s are starting to cook their French Fries in healthier oils and finding ways to cook their hamburgers to have less grease in them. iii.Mediterranean – inspired Pitamac, a square pita bread sandwich that is open at the top and filled with spiced beef, grilled vegetables or chicken. iv.Introducing veggie burgers to more of their restaurants. v.Introducing water-based instead of oil-based salad dressings for their new premium salads. vi.Introducing healthier option with their meal instead of fries such as: salads, baked potatoes, yogurt, fruit, ect. Threats1.The biggest threat for McDonald’s domestically is the lack of growth opportunitiesa.The market in the United States is well saturated and there is not a whole lot of room for growth. 2.Healthier eating habits. a.People are more worried about their health in today’s society than they have ever been. McDonald’s has introduced salads and other low fat items but it is hard for people to make the switch because the other food that McDonald’s offers tastes great. 3.Fast food restaurant franchises as upcoming competition. a.The biggest competition would be taco and burrito franchises. This would be a threat because individuals get tired of eating hamburgers and fries and they want something different. b.McDonald’s has the upper hand on most fast food restaurants because they serve breakfast. Recently Taco Bueno has added a breakfast menu and that could also be a threat for McDonald’s. 4.Terrorisma.With McDonald’s being a big retail food store with a lot of customers in the store daily. b.This could be a major threat not only to the store itself but to its customers also. 5.Global Competitiona.Through out the globe McDonald’s is facing more and more competition because of other fast food chains entering the global markets. i.Burger King is the number two burger chain. It is located in over 65 countries now. In the US alone it has more then 11,200 locations. ii.Subway is the second largest quick serving restaurant. It has an astonishing 27,700 location abroad spanning over 85 countries. Another huge threat that this makes is that it now has more locations in the US than McDonald’s. b.With global expansion McDonald’s not only has to deal with other abroad competitors but the own countries fast food chains. McDonald’s also has to get accustomed to the local eating habbits and taste so they will be able to satisfy their wants and needs. This means McDonald’s will have to come up with new menu items for each country to fit their customs. i.Items that they have came up with to fit the taste and customs of consumers in Japan was to introduce the Mega Teriyaki Burger and the Triangle-shaped Mango Custard Pie. AlternativesAlternative 1- Technology UpdateImproving and Buying New Technology – McDonald’s has been improving many things at their restaurants in the past couple of years such as: remodeling, new menu items, and a drive-thru order speaker that shows you what you have ordered. McDonald’s needs to make sure that they deep up with today’s society and the new technology. One of the newest technology that McDonald’s needs to consider purchasing is called Microsoft surface. This new technology well not only cut down on employee cost but it will help them keep up with the new way of life that time is money. ProsA. With Microsoft Surface computer tables in place it will make business quicker. i. People can sit down and order their food at the tablesii. There will be no waiting in lines which in turns saves people time. iii. Customers can pay at the end of their meals incase they want more food after their first order instead of going and standing in line again. B. Offer more things to do while waiting on your food and after you are done eating. i. Microsoft Surface also offers things to entertain your kids such as playing music to painting with their fingers. ii. Business people will find it handy because they can get on the internet and find thing they need or to get directions to their next destination and then can transfer it to their phones of PDA’s. iii. Will older people like the new technology because it will be something new to them and will have to learn how to use it properly. ConsA. Microsoft Surface will be brand new technologyi. The cost of Microsoft Surface will have a very expensive price tag along with it. ii. Since it is a new product this means it will still have a few bugs in it that have not been found or worked out. B. How reliable with this new technology bei. Seeing how this is going to be used not only to order off of it will as be used as a table to eat and drink off of. Will the Surface be durable enough to handle messy food and drinks that will be spilled on it?Alternative 2- Improve Healthy menu OptionsMore Attention for America’s Healthy Menu Options- McDonald’s has been successful in adding healthy menu options around the globe. However, throughout our study we have found that the healthy menu options for Americans are quite limited, and even more limited for the children in the United States. The PlanA.We feel that adding some healthy menu combination meals would really improve McDonald’s sales. Americans don’t want just a salad or chicken wrap as a meal, so why not add a combination meal that includes a salad, wrap, grilled chicken breast, or toasted deli sandwich with their choice of a healthy side, such as a fruit salad, yogurt, vegetables, or baked potato. B.Don’t forget about our children. Mom’s aren’t just concerned about what they are putting in their mouths, their children’s health is just as important. If a mom can go to McDonald’s and get a healthy meal, but there isn’t anything healthy to feed her children, most likely she’s going to choose a competing fast food franchise. Happy meals need to have options such as, a beef pot pie, turkey sandwich, or grilled chicken fingers. Choices of sides could include a healthy macaroni and cheese, vegetables, fruit & marshmallows, or even cottage cheese and strawberries. McDonald’s could also really score some big points with parents if they added healthy lifestyle tips for kids on the happy meal sacks, or provided toys that promote exercise. Pro’sA.American’s love variety and choices. That’s exactly what this plan is giving McDonald’s customers. Variety and healthy choices will not only satisfy current customers, but it will attract more business. B.One of McDonald’s biggest customer bases is America. Providing these options for this customer base will also increase their profit intake. C.This plan also shows the people in the U.S. that McDonald’s cares about their customers concerns. This is just one more way to attract business. D.Since the release of the movie â€Å"Super Size Me†McDonald’s has been known as the fast food restaurant that makes Americans fat. The best way to improve this bad image is to implement the healthy menu options in America. Con’sA.Adding more options to a menu also means adding costs for the business. It is more expensive to keep vegetables and fruits fresh than it is to keep the food they currently serve fresh. B.Even though American’s are very concerned about their health, there is a large number of people who don’t want to do anything about it. People aren’t looking to be healthy when they go out to eat at McDonald’s, and because of that, the new healthy food options may not sell as well as other well established items on the McDonald’s menu. Alternative 3 – Increasing WagesIncrease starting wages and implement frequent raises – McDonald’s has always been considered one of the worst paying jobs with the lowest skill level. Even though the working conditions are favorable, qualified workers do not want to work at McDonald’s because it is embarrassing, but mainly because McDonald’s does not pay their employees enough. We think starting salaries should be increased as an incentive to want to work for McDonald’s and turn the job into a career. ProsA. More dependable employees as applicants. i. The country is experiencing a huge worker shortage, but not only a worker shortage, but qualified, dependable workers. This alternative should help remedy that situation. ii. With higher starting wages and frequent raises for the employees, there should be a less percentage turn-over rate. If the employees are happy, they won’t be looking for other positions elsewhere. ConsA. This increase will cost the corporation more financially. ii. This could limit the amount available in dividends to stockholders hurting future investments. RecommendationsTechnology updateIn order to remain in competition with not only fast food restaurants, but other restaurants as well, McDonald’s will have to keep up with the growing technological society. This means taking advantage of any fast food advances that pertain to their area of service. The new technology will have to keep the pace of today’s fast moving society, in which time is money. A specific technology that we recommend McDonald’s take advantage of is the Microsoft Surface computer tables. This technology will be costly, if implemented in metropolitan area’s it will be beneficial to not only the corporation, but also to McDonald’s customers. Microsoft Surface computer tables will increase the contribution margin of the corporation by saving time, money, and order errors. McDonald’s should gradually begin the implementation of the Microsoft Office table in major cities throughout the globe. As McDonald’s begins to reap the benefits, and work out the kinks of the tables, the corporation should gradually apply this product throughout smaller restaurants. This process will be very slow moving and costly, but it is key in ensuring McDonald’s continued domination in global fast food service. ConclusionsIn today’s fast paces, highly technological society McDonald’s has been able to stay on top of the fast food service industry, while providing quality service, and timely deliverance of food. It is not an easy task to stay on top of technologies and changing tastes of customers. McDonald’s will need to continue to research the changing eating habits and styles to attract new customers and keep the business of current customers. McDonald’s has proven it’s concerns for customers and employee’s by experimenting with new facilities and foods they are proving to society that they are concerned with not only their health but their prosperity. McDonald’s has a very promising future ahead of them and if they continue to adapt to society and new technologies. Refrences
Sunday, January 5, 2020
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