Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Goals and Commitment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Goals and Commitment - Essay Example I would plan my studies by highlighting different topics covered in class and setting time-bound deadlines within which I would revise the work. This enabled me to finish revising all the courses in good time. Another way was that I set to improve my grades after every exam. I was supposed to add at least five points per subject. The goal was measurable and I managed to evaluate my progress and improve my academics. Writing out help you to be committed to a task since you can always evaluate if you are working towards completing the task. Moreover, you are able to identify areas you could be having problems and seek help. In order to achieve a goal, it is important to be committed. There are different ways of showing commitment and a signature is used as a symbol to show your commitment to a goal or task. It is a pledge and a commitment to oneself and shows your strong dedication to achieve a goal.
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Presentation Of Childhood In Adult Literature Essay Example for Free
The Presentation Of Childhood In Adult Literature Essay The childs inability to interpret the adult world is often central to the presentation of childhood in adult literature. Compare the presentation of childhood in Spies and Atonement, considering to what extent you feel this comment is applicable to these texts. As is frequently the case with novels written for adults with children as the main protagonists, the presentation of childhood emphasises the innocence of those at a young and often tender age. When the real world is like a dream, everyday activities are play and adults are a separate species with baffling social conventions, a child will often try to understand grown up aspects of life, but will make genuine misunderstandings instead. Many writers look back on their youth with fondness and use these misunderstandings for either comic intent, such as in Frayns Spies, or for life-altering tragedy in McEwans Atonement. In these two novels, as well as the prominence of childhood and memories being recalled as an adult, there is also the historical context to be considered in how this affects the presentation of childhood. Both novels are set during the Second World War. Life in Britain in the 1930s and 40s was an era of transition for society, during which the rise of the urban working class had led to significant changes in politics. Because of the war and the sudden absence of huge amounts of the populations men, families as units were changing more women were working at the same time as being mothers. However, the class system still held a firm grip on society, with every individual aware of their own status. It dictated what they would achieve or become, if anything, in life. This is shown in Spies as Stephen feels inferior to his friend Keith. He is aware he comes from a less well off milieu and goes to a different school. In Atonement Robbie Turner suffers all his life from the discrimination that comes with being working class and the son of the Tallises cleaning lady. In Spies, the character of Stephen is portrayed sympathetically, but not always sentimentally, by his older self. Humour is used frequently to invite the reader to laugh at Stephens inadequacies or false conclusions. But with the distance created by the maturity of the narrator, Stephens childhood troubles and traumas can be viewed with a sense of perspective. In the first paragraph of the novel, the narrator says, Im a child again and everythings before me all the frightening, half understood promise of life. Stephen is constantly fearful and held back by his crippling inability to be brave. He has a fight or flight mentality, twinned with a habit of avoidance. This is demonstrated by his childish habit of physically shutting his eyes when in a dangerous or tense situation, vainly trying to escape. Another aspect of his extreme anxiety is his terror of germs everything about them (the children in the Lanes) is plainly laden with germs and his understandable fear of Mr Hayward. The narrator relates Stephens feelings honestly and does not hold back embarrassing details his being teased by his classmates, or his crawling into his parents bed after a nightmare. As a child passing into adolescence, there develops an emerging sexuality with the influence of Barbara and awareness of his own mortality and vulnerability, but he still has irrational thoughts and feelings that as an adult he does not find so all-consuming any more: The imagination ages, like everything else. The intensity fades. You dont get as afraid as you used to Chapter 11, p232. Barbaras character symbolised by her blue bobble purse, both intrigues and unsettles Stephen. This is shown in Chapter 5 when she intrudes into the hideout in the bushes, smiling her big mocking smile, making herself entirely at home. p96. Stephen is outraged by her very presence and goes off on a ranting description Theres something girlishly self-satisfied about the bobbliness of the leather and the shininess of the popper that offends me almost as much as her intrusion. Unable to process his real feelings, he blames objects for his bad moods. He rejects anything feminine, which is a classic trait for young boys unable to understand girlhood. The naivety of childhood is captured in Spies because there are so many misunderstandings on Stephen and Keiths part about what is really going on in the Close and who is potentially a spy. The narrator frequently asks rhetorical questions about how much the child knew, and whether he should have noticed any inconsistencies in the stories he actively believed at the time. Atonement is similar to Spies in that it has a child protagonist, the precocious and intelligent Briony, but she is in contrast to the introverted and paranoid Stephen. Both Briony and Stephen make assumptions about the adults around them. The narrative structure of Atonement is different to Spies in that it has the added post-modern twist of a narrator who takes a writers liberty to change what really happened. While Spies concerns only one small world of Stephen, Brionys older self writes about the wider world, with the part two concerning Robbie in occupied France. It could be said that while Atonement is a grand panorama, Spies is a claustrophobic, brooding miniature (Geraldine Brooks, However, it is difficult to completely agree with this view in light of Spies. As it is still primarily concerned with documenting life during the war, the definition of the wider world become looser and all points of view, whether from an overseas soldier or a sheltered child, could be considered valid and important. Childhood in Atonement is centred on the one crucial misunderstanding that Briony makes, and that causes tragedy to reverberate in the ruined lives of Cecilia and Robbie. Because of her inability to understand that Robbies interest in Cecilia is perfectly normal as an adult, she then has a fantasy that he is a sex maniac due to the shocking letter, and she is not capable of seeing her older sister as a willing participant in the library. As events in the house snowball and she interprets cousin Lolas silence for confirmation of her suspicions of Robbie, she is more than happy to be useful and give the statement to the police that condemns him. Later in her life she realises her mistake and gains humility, trying to atone for what she had done. But Briony is perhaps not the only one to be blamed, for in Cecilias letter to Robbie in part two her perspective shifts culpability from Brionys mischief more to the inattentive, uninsightful adults: They chose to believe the evidence of a silly, hysterical little girl. In fact, they encouraged her by giving her no room to turn back. She was a young thirteen, I know. Also significant in the presentation of childhood in Atonement is the gulf between the adults and the children. On pondering her interruption of the library, Briony realises that Robbie must hate her. She describes it as another entry, another first: to be hated by an adultChildren hated generously, capriciously. It hardly mattered. But to be the object of adult hatred was an initiation into a solemn new world. It was promotion. Briony longs to be more grown up and thinks that she has knowledge of the adult world. But her excited girlishness and tendency to over exaggerate prevents her from ever being convincing. Briony teeters at the brink of adolescence, just as Lola longed to throw off the last restrains of childhood. In reading Atonement we see the child of 1935 the scene of the crime through the eyes and pen of the adult of the 1999 coda. At the beginning of chapter 13 it says with the insight and irony of the adult, Within half an hour Briony would commit her crime. The novel includes aspects of the coming of age genre, or Bildungsroman. The story of Brionys individual growth and development takes place in the context of wartime and the certain kind of romanticism that often comes with stories of WW2 childhood (the mixture of awareness and innocence, with the innocence being corrupted by the war and devastation going on around them). If the childs inability to interpret the adults around them is central to the presentation of childhood in adult novels, then it is realistic to say that both Spies and Atonement use the full resources of an adult mentality remembering her/himself. They are both adult narrative voices reflecting atmosphere of innocence oppressed by knowledge. Stephen and Briony are too young to process the adult world, so they have their own interpretations, and these lead to consequences that affect the outcome of the stories. Bibliography Spies, Michael Frayn, 2002 Faber and Faber Atonement, Ian McEwan, 2002 Vintage Spies York Notes Advanced by Anne Rooney, 2007 Atonement- Text Guide by Robert Swan, Philip Allan Updates 2006 Brionys Stand Against Oblivion: Ian McEwans Atonement by Brian Finney, 2002
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
The bestselling novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee is about a racist southern community in Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930s. At that time, southern states were still racially segregated. Harper Lee constructs her book by teaching all her readers about human standards. By presenting the good and bad in people. A major theme of this novel is the humankind’s inhumanity toward the humankind. One character that is treated terribly was Boo Radley. Boo Radley is a very obscure character in To Kill a Mockingbird. Not only does the whole community treat him terrible, so does his whole family. Boo Radley’s father is the number one victim to treat Boo Radley terrible. Boo was going to be locked in jail for some trouble he got in when he was a teenager. Boo’s father wanted the punishment in his hands and locked Boo into the house till he was an adult. Boo’s father thinks of Boo as a disgrace to their family. Boo stabbed his father in the leg with scissors with all his hatred in him. Boo’s father was always a very cruel man. Another character that treated Boo terrible is his brother, Nathan Radley. Boo always communicates with the children, Jem and Scout, by the knothole of a tree. Nathan noticed that Boo was giving the children gifts, so he filled the knothole of the tree with cement. Boo has never communicated with anyone for almost 15 years, and Nathan prevented Boo’s chance to ever talk to someone and be friends with. Boo was treated terribly by the children also. The children thought Boo was a scary person. Every time they came to a path where Boo was located they would always be frightened by the rumors they heard about him. \:Boo was about six-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels ... ...ayella’s father sees Tom, Mayella insists that Tom raped her. She did a horrible thing and blamed Tom. Tom did all her chores for free of charge, and Mayella ruined his life by blaming Tom for something he did not do. Mrs. Merriweather is part of a missionary circle. It’s a group of Christian women who are determined to help people suffering poor countries. They complain about her black servants, that they don’t work hard or deserve their pay. They only pay little amount to their servants. They do not perform their Christian attitude toward other people. This makes them an hypocrite because they make people believe that they are perfect Christians. Harper Lee teaches her readers something. It demonstrated the good and bad in people. She shows the readers how racist people could be so cruel. This novel showed how humankind’s inhumanity toward the humankinds.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Enrolment in Technological Institute of the Philippines Essay
Enrollment process is a must in every school. Through this, student will have a connection between them and the institution itself. In this process, students also part to wonder or to expect what if feels like to be in the institution they are going to enroll. This study discusses those expectations and perceptions of the students with regards in the enrollment process in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City. The Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City students have always perceived the success of the enrollment based on the amount of time that they have spent on the enrollment process. But the students and parents already prepare for the worst every time and they already assume that the process will be slow. The complaints are always present and it makes the slowness of the process more gruesome. Through this study, the whole enrollment process should be made bearable. Every aspect and step of this will be analyzed in order to find the best solution that will lead to the improvement and betterment of the enrollment process. At Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City, there are thousand students taking several years level. The population of students in mentioned school are continued to grow which means also that an increase of records are handled by the Guidance Councilor. Clearly manual system of enrollment and student record keeping are too much time consuming task. Computer can be considered as another instrument for developing system like enrollment in every school. This can be a great help to those students, teachers and school who are handling many task from providing easier and faster access. The present system of Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City is done manually such as enrollment system. Form the time it was started to operate, they use the manual system. Even nowadays, that they have computers, still there also a conflict using that during enrollment. Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City is a private school which is located at Quezon City. And this school was started established in the year 1962. And it was found by Engineer Demetrio A. Quirino Jr., One of the famous people in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City at that time. Like some school Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City is improving the enrollment system but still that is not convenient for others. Statement of the Problem The present enrollment system of Technological Institute of the Philippines is done manually. Manually system of enrollment caused a lot inaccuracy and efficiency in processing the record and data of the students. Too much time and effort are consumed and cannot give on time. The researcher sought to answer the following question: 1. What are the perceptions of students with regards school’s enrollment system? 2. What are the factors that contribute to the perceptions of ideas if the students that the school enrollment system affect them? 3. What are the factors that could be an advantage and/or disadvantage of the factors that are uses in the enrollment system? Significance of the Study The computers provide convenience to its user through the easier and faster way of transactions. Population of students in almost all-educational institution is rapidly increasing so great demand in teaching force is also becoming higher. Fortunately, today’s generation of high technology machine and tools can substitute these workers. This propose â€Å"The Perception of Students in Enrollment system in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City†will provide a high technology way of retrieving and managing student’s data so that the enrollment process become convenient especially to the students and parents. The study will be a great help to the following: Administrators. This study will help them to process records and keep the grades of students are a fastest and accurate way. It will help to keep and handle essential information of the student for the convenience of the students and the personnel assign to enrollment in the education institution. Students. The students can easily access and retrieval information regarding with the process of enrollment the effort, time, and help to minimize the effort and time they exert, Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City. It provides easy and fast approach in registration and enrollment. Parents. They do not complain and they’re not wasted to accompany their children during enrollment. Future Researchers. The proposed study will benefits and help the future researchers as their guide. This study can also open in development of this study. Hypothesis There is no significance in the improvement of the online registration as related to the improvement of the enrollment system. Scope and Delimitations The study will be limited only to the boundaries of â€Å"The perception of the Students in Enrollment System in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City†. The researcher focused in getting relevant about the problems in enrollment system includes students and parents who complaining in the manual system that being used of the school. Searching about this has ability to be quickly processed and how it can be fixed in the next enrollment process. The study covers the problem of having a slow process that caused a dispute between students/parents and administrator, Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES The chapter estates the different literature and studies that were conducted for the research to gain familiarity that are relevant and similar to the present study. Review of Related Literature (Foreign) According to Rowley (2005), an enrollment system is casically included in one of the classification of information system, thus it serves a tool to support information management with regards to the student data, enrollment fees information and other with a connection to the enrollment process. Every school gain competitive advantage of having this system for they will have capacity on handling important information at ease and with security. Adopting this theory of Mchenry (2010), WAMP5 (WAMP Means Windows Apache Mysql PHP) is a platform of Web development under windows. It allows you to develop dynamic websites with Apache server, PHP5 script language, and the database of MySQL released 5. It also possesses PHPMyAdmin and SQLite manager to manage more easily your databases. Window 7 is an operating system produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, netbooks, tablet PCs, and media center PCs. Window 7 succeeded by Windows 8. This is known as iterative implementations covers the breakdown of overall functionality of the system to a what he called feature set and those feature sets represents different process involve in enrollment system. It helps locate feature an enrollment system will have since that this kind of systems does many activities and processes. According to Dunn and Scott (2005), enrollment system has made huge impact into the school arena. It is a system that is built on innovative program strategies. It is a system that will help both the enrollment personnel-in-charge and the students to easily process the enrollment at a lesser time. Distinct from the traditional enrollment, LAN enrollment system process large assortment of the student records and provides efficient and consistent information services. As stated by Holmes (2006), nowadays, Web-based applications are widely used due to their ubiquity. Web-based enrollment system is currently emerging on markets for they are offering transaction convenience and service efficiency through the use of internet. This system becomes a powerful tool in dealing with information management regarding enrollment transactions. Stair (1999), emphasized that the development of technology through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. From the orientation of the light bulb to the industrial revolution and beyond, we have continuously tried to in a more efficient means of doing tasks. Lewis (2002), stated that the reason for using computers vary from person to person. Some of the computers in business are to perform accuracy, to be as productivity, to decrease bottle necks or hassles to alter cash flows or to simples elevate your status. Sybex Inc (1999), stated that visual basic provide a graphical environment in which the users usually designed the forms and control that become the building block of tour application . Visual Basic support many useful tools that will help the user more productivity. Gold Chager et al (2003), said that computer as a device for processing information knew computer plays a significant role in their lives, but few are aware of just how pervasive role is. Mane (2000), mentioned that the creation of the computer made the easier to accomplish that by doing it manually, to have the direct access on straightforward answer just monitoring record where in the needs of computer make possible for everyone to get data in a particular need. We can consider that the computer is necessary and its productive tool for individual. Gurewich (1999), stated that the database system makes the work faster for every institution. For the mere fact that instead of doing things manually, with the use of compute r technology everything is done fasters. Related Literature (Local) According to Aquino (2005), importance of computer application is increasing day by day. Schools use information system in the way of implementing an enrollment system. This results for them to attract enrollees and earn income. Enrollees are attracted because of the said system makes the transaction faster and easier. â€Å"Lack of enrollment system in schools can lead to chaos and troubles†as stated by Ace Adrian (2011), students will be confused on what they should do to be able to enroll that is why such system is extremely useful in that it gives an ease on working on enrollment processes. Enrollment is very useful in retrieving vital information of the students. Without it will lead difficulty both for administration of the school and students in enrollment processes. The transformation of manual enrollment transaction to automated and now into a web based information is one example of what has driven partly by the rapid technological innovation. Any way just to make work easier and faster like enrollment transactions is possible with the emergence of computer technologies. A web-based enrollment system has featured that meet most of academic institutions system’s needs and requirements. This includes standardized modules for student registration, enrollment, grade management, and other modules that are deemed necessary to operate a school (Bacala&Reanno,2009). Fronda (2011), said that the enrollment system is useful especially when the school retrieves the important information from the student. The school can trace what is the standing of the students. Lack of Enrollment system in a school can lead to chaos and troubles. Students will be confused on what they should do to be able to enroll. It is extremely useful in the school in the way of working processes of enrolling become much easy. Tinn (2001), stated that the computerization responded to the call the office or any workplace to help their daily operation. Malolos (2002), stated that the study of automation is important in the sense time that minimizes the time and effort normally exerted in manual process. Janes (2001), stated that computers are extremely reliable device and very powerful calculators with some great accessories applications like word processing problem for all of business activities, regardless of size, computers have three advantages over other type of office equipment that process information because computer are faster, more accurate more economical. Reyes (2005), task would be time consuming to accomplish manually and more practical with the aid of computers field in cabinet.  According to Flores (2002), the automation is described simply as the substitution of machine control of human. Dioso (2001), stated that computer assist careful intelligent planning, organizing, actuating and controlling .This maybe observed from the past that they monitor production activities, solve scientific problem and help arrive in tentative answer to a multitude of involve conditions. Related Studies (Foreign) South California Community College Long Beach City College has gone live with a Cognos-based management system that was designed by Irvin, CA-based professional services firm e2e Analytics. Prior to installing the new system, LBCC, which has two main campuses and multiple satellites that support nine schools and 34 departments, handled its enrollment via manual spread sheets. With no reporting, continuity, or standard practices, and with lengthy error corrections, the school’s enrollment management budgeting and planning took up to three months to compile, consolidate and implement (Koft 2007). The study on problems regarding on school such as the Long Beach City College is an aid for the proponents to have the idea on formulating solutions on transferring manual enrollment transactions to an automated or computerized one. According to the coordinator of Admission support of Kerian Greenaway, the system known as the Edith Cowan University Web Enrollment System (ECUWES) had replaced the traditional hard copy system of enrollment. The system offers immediacy and convenience of course enrollment via the internet. The said university in Australia is currently enrolling more than 5,000 new students with easier transactions cause of their online enrollment system. In the local setting, academic institutions both the private and government schools are shifting from manual to computerized system including student registration. This is accomplished either on an intranet or internet-based environment. The desire to overcome these problems and difficulties has led the acceptance of advanced technology. It includes Local Area Network of computers, CD ROM and powerful processor. These technologies led to the development of information databases that provides simple and prompt retrieval of information through networking. In Local Area Network Enrollment System (LANES), the problems on admission and evaluation of academic records, subject reservation, assessment and payment of fees and issuance of class cards are besieged. Likewise, searching of records is effective due to its major key that is being used in retrieval of records. A Local Area Network Enrollment System (LANES) is a broad system. It is combination of different function areas such as databases, searching, retrieval, and update of student records, checking of student’s scheduled, computation of fees (Dzubeck 2003). Earlier, Encila (1999) Introduced the Enrollment System for the computer Science Department of LCBA and traders, designed of enrollment System is advantageous to the school because it speed up the process and with only a minimum amount of power and resources. Quiver (2001) developed a program using database III which capable of retrieving, access in manipulating of data in easy way. A computerized system to minimized the lost of record and burden of work was designed by Pajarillo in 2002. Aravia (2002) Show the growing importance of computers in the society. The significance of the study revolves the automation of student permanent record keeping. Alcaira (1999) Stated that the using of computer are continue to grow, the need for a more timely information and data processing comes on demand keeping the record of any manual operations need the application, because handling it manually will only be conflicting. Related Studies (Local) Based on the researcher, a web-based enrolment system for Veritas Parochial School (VPS) in Manila was developed to help its students enroll in a more efficient way without the hassles of waiting long hours in filling out forms, which sometimes become redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the cashier. It is with the Web-based enrollment system for VPS that this new style of enrolment may be achieved. This new type of system offers its students new options for enrolling at VPS. By logging on to the VPS website, one can register and enroll subjects for school year. With these, all the students are required to fill out certain forms that do not take more than a few minutes to accomplish. The system stores its records in the school database for future references. Confirmation of the transaction made by students need to be verified, the payment of the tuition fees must be made by the school’s register. The students may also browse the website of VPS and he can check his curr ent account. He can also refer to the list of the school current tuition fee rates (Pascual and Riceo,2008). According to the project study in 2005 by Mr.Lopez, an enrolment system help and provide efficient and reliable services to the students, enrolment personnel and administration. Moreover, this system improved the process of enrolment in terms of searching, retrieving and subject schedules. An online Enrolment System was proposed to replace the manual enrolment system of Cavite Maritime Institute in order to advance an organized flow of transaction and an ease of work concerned on how the manual enrolment performs throughout the institutions operations. The numerous transactions that the manual system covers, such as updating and adding students records, generating the advising and assessment slips, and the like considering the manual operating system to be inefficient for the need of the institution. Since the study involves proper record handling, tracing the constraints and evaluation of the manual system issential (Bacala and Reano,2009). The enrollment process is the initial stage in gathering bon fide and accurate student information neccesary to establish student permanent records. A registration and billing system is needed by the institution to address the stated situation. The study has been made to help gather fast and deliver accurate information (Calabozo&Fernandez,2006). In the study conducted by Cayabyab (2007), many problems and difficulties were identified in the wxiusting system in Dagupan City National High School (DCNHS). These major concerns are affecting the efficient enrolment system of students. Security of the students records were found to be at high risk. The current system may fail to protect some important documents. It has also untimely and in efficient report generation. A computerized system for DCNHS shall result to a significant increase in the number of enrollees. Conde (2007) in his study entitled â€Å"Network-bases Enrollment System of Paete National High School cited that the manual process of enrollment and manual handling of information and reports of the students is very laborious one. The proponents developed a network based system enrollment system to the said school to solve the huge amount of task. Garcia (2002) created the â€Å"LSPC Enrollment System†, the study can be a great help to persons concerned during the enrollment period, the registrar, instructor of the students as they retrieval necessary information when needed and lessen the burden manually browsing over enrollment slip for record purposes Saayo (2008) developed the system â€Å"Network based automated Enrollment and grading system for Morong National High School. Due to increasing population of the institution, and the school currently implementing the manual system, every student spends a lot of time during enrollment period, such as paying their tuition fees and processing the school requirements. Valina (2009) entitled â€Å"Network-based student Permanent Record keeping and Enrollment System of Balian National High School†. This System was made to lessen the time and effort exerted by both student and school employees. It is also made to give accurate reports and keep records of every students every students and for easy and fast way of enrollment. Soria (2006) constructed a system entitled â€Å"Network-based Computerized inventory System for the supply office o the LSPC main campus. With the advancement of technology, devices and machines were improve , developed and inverted to cope up with the need of new world. There are different systems designed for reliable, efficient and very useful to the user. Conceptual Framework The study is all about the perception of students in the enrollment system in Technological Institute of the Philippines, QC. It includes information can get when enrolled, different equipment that will make enrollment more efficient among students, the improvements, process and importance of enrollment. The study also covers the different experience of student when enrolling in Technological Institute of the Philippines whether they lose their patience or get satisfied on the enrollment system. Research Paradigm Figure 1. The Conceptual paradigm of Perception of the Students in Enrollment System of Technological Institute of the Philippines. Definition of Terms These terminologies were gathered by the researcher for better and clearer understanding about the study. Client. Does not share any of its resources that request a server’s content or service function. Computer. Machine capable of the following the instruction to alter data, programmable electronic device that can perform calculations and processing information. Database. Is a container to store your tables in. Enrollment. It is a process in which a student is being admitted to the institution. This includes the listing of information or data about the student and subject he/she will be enrolled. Information. Knowledge given or received of some fact or circumstances. Program. An algorithm that a computer can both follow directly and follow the translated version. Server. A computer on a local area that is running software for controlling access to all or part of the network and its resources and shares its resources with client. System. It is a group of interrelated components working together toward a common goal by accepting input and producing output in an organized transformation process. Software. It is a system utility or application program expressed in complete readable language. User. The person who uses a computer for word processing, communications, and other application. User–Friendly. A program easy to use even though an individual is not knowledgeable about the system. Chapter III METHODOLOGY This Chapter presents the research design, the respondents of the study, the research instruments, the data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of data. Research Design This study used the survey approach of research, specifically the descriptive method. Descriptive method is the assertion of attributes or conditions specific to the population. It utilized the said approach in as the main purpose of this research was to determine the perception of the student towards enrollment system in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon City. Research Locale The Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) is a private, non-sectarian higher education institution. TIP Quezon City was awarded Autonomous Status, the highest possible award for a higher education institution, and TIP Manila was granted Deregulated Status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). In addition, TIP has also earned numerous national and international accreditations and quality certification. Figure 2. Location map of Technological Institute of the Philippines Sampling Technique The research study used the purposive sampling technique. There were 30 students in Technological Institute of the Philippines asked to rate the efficiency of the services rendered by the functions of the PTA office. Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique. Non-probability sampling focuses on sampling techniques where the units that are investigated are based on the judgement of the researcher: Non-probability sampling to learn more about non-probability sampling, and Sampling: The basics, for an introduction to terms such as units, cases and sampling]. There are a number of different types of purposive sampling, each with different goals. This article explains (a) what purposive sampling is, (b) the eight of the different types of purposive sampling, (c) how to create a purposive sample, and (d) the broad advantages and disadvantages of purposive sampling. Research Instruments The data gatherings used in this study were the following: 1. Questionnaires Checklist Form. This instrument was constructed by the researchers to establish the socio-demographic profile of the student respondents. The instrument determined, among others, the gender, civil status and educational background of the respondents. The different factors affecting the efficiency of services rendered by the PTA are also being listed down to determine which function is more effective as perceived by the respondents especially the students. 2. Survey Questionnaires for Students. This instrument was used to determine the management style and how this affects to the people working in that school and a separate questionnaire of the students to determine the efficiency of the services rendered by Technological Institute of the Philippines. Data Gathering Procedures Survey questionnaires were prepared and forwarded to the student respondents. The respondents were asked to rate their perception about the enrollment system in Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon city (TIP QC) to determine how effective and if the respondents were satisfied by the services given by the TIP QC during the enrollment process
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Meeting Learning Needs Case Study
Meeting Learning Needs: Case Study In this rationale I intend to discuss â€Å"Why we do what we do†when it comes to Inclusion and Special Educational Needs (SEN). This will be a case study of a pupil with SEN attending the school in which I work. It will first outline the nature of the pupils Special Educational Needs and then critically examine how these needs are being met. The role of multi-agency approaches in providing support to the pupil and parental involvement will also be analysed. All children, wherever they are educated, need to be able to learn, play and develop alongside each other within their local community of schools†(Dfes 2004 p5), going further to state that â€Å"inclusion is about much more than the type of school that children attend: it is about the quality of their experience; how they are helped to learn, achieve and participate fully in the life of the school†(p25). http://sen. ttrb. ac. uk/ViewArticle2. aspx? ContentId=15915 (Access ed on 20/01/11) The case study I carried out was on Billy who is 9 years old, Billy was diagnosed with Autism at the aged 4 shortly after he started mainstream school in reception. Autism is a type of disability. There are many people with autism in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 1 out of every 100 people has autism. You cannot always tell that someone has autism just by looking at them. Autism lasts for all of a person's life. But they can still do a lot of things and learn a lot of skills. The three main areas of difficulty which all people with autism share are sometimes known as the ‘triad of impairments' which are Social Communication, Social Interaction and Social Imagination. The triad of impairments is the term that describes the difficulties that people with autism experience in differing degrees. Because all people are different, the way autism affects them is also different. To enable the setting to remove Billy’s barriers to learning we firstly arranged a meeting at his home with him and his parents and the Special Needs Coordinator (SENCo). At the meeting we discussed Billy’s learning and personal needs, at first we concentrated on Billy’s routine at home enabling us to see how he dealt with everyday issues. It is vital that we alleviate confusion and give Billy a sense of security. This will be done by preparing Billy whenever possible if his routine is going to be broken, someone will talk him through what is going to happen. We also intend to invite Billy into the setting to meet his new teacher, and will be providing him with photographs of the settings and his support workers to facilitate him in familiarise himself with his new setting. We have taken photographs to allow us to personalise the learning spaces with pictorial sequences, rule reminders, schedules and labels. A space in the classroom will be made available for Billy to work with his one-to-one support and peers where possible. By using these strategies Billy’s learning can be structured to support his need for routine. ‘Being clear and consistent is supportive to all learners in the classroom but will be essential for the child with an autistic spectrum disorder’ G, Knowles, Supporting Inclusive Practice (p. 16) I feel that it is very important that all children have the right to be included in mainstream school and where possible they should be able to meet there learning needs and the targets set in the National Curriculum. One of the fundamental principles of the Special Education Needs Code of Practice is ‘the needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs are identified and assessed quickly and matched by appropriate provision’ (Department for Education and Skills, 2001 p. 9). I believe that it should be a collaboration between the teachers, the parents of the child and the child themselves who decides whether they would benefit from being in mainstream school or not. Extensive research studies have been undertaken to determine the effectiveness of integrating and including students with severe disabilities. Tornillo (1994) feels that, ‘teachers are required to direct inordinate attention to a few, thereby decreasing the amount of time and energy directed toward the rest of the class. Indeed, the range of abilities is just too great for one teacher to adequately teach. Consequently, the mandates for greater academic accountability and achievement are unable to be met’. http://www. sedl. org/change/issues/issues43/concerns. html (accessed on 30/01/11) During my research into Inclusion in mainstream school I found that, some parents of students with more severe disabilities are concerned about the opportunities their children will have to develop basic life skills in a regular classroom setting. They are also cautious about inclusion because of fears that their children will be ridiculed by other students. Its at this point I feel it necessary to state that Inclusion is not about making sure all children are taught the curriculum in the classroom, it is making sure that all individuals be they disabled or non disabled have access to the curriculum, and that learning is facilitated to suit their learning needs. The next step to facilitate Billy’s learning needs is to draw up an Individual Education Plan (IEP). An IEP describes the educational program that has been designed to meet that child's unique needs. ‘An Individual Education Plan is an assessment, planning, teaching and reviewing tool which records specific learning goals, teaching requirements and review arrangements to help a pupil with SEN which are ‘additional to and different from’ those of most pupils, to make progress in key areas of learning’ (Dovestone, Cullingford-Agnew, 2006, p. 23). Each child who receives special education and related services must have an IEP. Each IEP must be designed for one student and must be a truly individualized document. The IEP creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel, and students (when age appropriate) to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities. The IEP is the cornerstone of a quality education for each child with a disability. As stated in the SEN Code of Practise (2001) where possible, children and young people with SEN should participate in all the decision-making processes that occur in education including the setting of learning targets and contributing to IEPs, discussions about choice of schools, contributing to the assessment of their needs and to the annual review and transition processes. Following the initial meeting we arranged for Billy and his parents to visit the setting for a day allowing them the opportunity to assess the setting. All areas of the school were made accessible to them so they could see how Inclusion of all students is important too us as a setting. It is essential that Billy’s parents are involved in every stage of Billy’s integration into the setting as stated in the SEN Code of Practice(2001) ‘It is vitally important that schools welcome and encourage parents to participate from the outset and throughout their child’s educational career at the school’. In my setting we encourage parents to come to us with any questions or concerns they may have about there child/children and we persevere to accommodate their needs. It is vitally important for parents to be involved with every stage of their child’s education as Parents are the most important people after the child. ‘They know there child best and know what they want out of the staff and the school. ’ (As stated in my settings Inclusion Policy) It is our responsibility as a setting to ensure that parents are aware of the Partnership with Parents (PwP). PwP aims to ensure that parents are able to play an informed part in any decisions about the educational provision made to meet their child SEN and to build partnerships between parents, the Local Education Authority (LEA) and schools. WORD COUNT 1343 Reference List and Bibliography Department for Education and Skills. (2001). Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. London: DfES. Dovestone, M, Cullingford-Agnew, S. (2006) Becoming a Primary Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Primary Special Educational Needs. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd. http://www. sedl. org/change/issues/issues43/concerns. html (accessed on 30/01/11) http://sen. ttrb. ac. uk/ViewArticle2. aspx? ContentId=15915 (accessed on 20/01/11) Knowles, G. (2006) Supporting Inclusive Practise. David Fulton Publishers Ltd. London
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Compensate for Market Failures Essay Example
Compensate for Market Failures Essay Example Compensate for Market Failures Essay Compensate for Market Failures Essay In my essay I am traveling to speak about the manner in which the UK authorities trades with market failures and the several attacks they can and hold taken with the purpose of forestalling certain facets of market failure from re-occurring. I will be peculiarly concentrating on the manner to authorities utilizations revenue enhancement as a manner of counterbalancing for market failures and the legion types of market failure that they have to cover with. on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing. First. the construct of market failure must be explained ; it is when a certain market is left to run without any signifier of Government intercession and without this intercession. the allotment of goods and services by this free market is non efficient. The UK authorities have many options available to them. in footings of ways they are able intervene in fortunes where market failures occur. However. one of the most normally used is revenue enhancement. See any market failure ; the over ingestion of coffin nails and intoxicant. the overexploitation of roads and airplanes. They are all to a great extent taxed. and revenue enhancement is one method I will be concentrating on during this essay. A subject that is going more and more polar to Governments programs by the decennary is the environment. Technology has continued to better over the old ages and has enabled us to understand the sum of pollution that’s been produced as a bi-product of our end product each twelvemonth. The importance of this topic was shown non merely by Britain. but some of the most powerful states in the universe including USA. China. India and the whole of the EU when the Kyoto pact was signed in 1997. This was an understanding where all states involved agreed to lawfully adhering decreases in their emanations of C dioxide by 2010. [ ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. revisionguru. co. uk/economics/govern9. htm n. d. ) ] In order to seek and forestall the degrees of pollution from increasing in the UK. and besides with the purpose of them easy diminishing. the Government have a tool available to them called an environmental revenue enhancement. An environmental revenue enhancement is a re venue enhancement on a good or service that has an unfavorable consequence on the environment. My first illustration of an environmental revenue enhancement the UK Government uses in order to counterbalance for market failures is the London congestion charge. London is the largest metropolis in the UK and of class the capital. therefore this has to hold some signifier of damaging consequence on the environment at that place. and it does. The roads in London are known to be some of the most helter-skelter in the universe and in order to cut down the sum of people who commute to work by auto the authorities introduced the London congestion charge. It can be described as a fee charged to some types of motor vehicle who enter the congestion charge zone of London at certain times. The charge is ?10 per twenty-four hours for between 07:00-18:00 and punishments of between ?60 and ?180 can be distributed for those who choose non to pay. For a individual gaining the mean salary. paying ?50 a hebdomad to acquire to work is a batch of money. non taking into history costs for insurance. r evenue enhancement. and gasoline. This provides people with a immense inducement to go to work each twenty-four hours on public conveyance as it forces them to pay for some of the negative outwardnesss they are making. or take an option which is better for the environment and besides cheaper for them. which would be public conveyance. [ ( hypertext transfer protocol: //tutor2u. net/economics/revision-notes/a2-micro-externalities-policy-options. hypertext markup language n. d. ) ] The diagram below can be used to explicate how this peculiar environmental revenue enhancement plants. Once the congestion charge is active. monetary value additions to P1 which shifts the supply curve to the left therefore diminishing measure demanded. Another run that the authorities is progressively looking to advance is recycling. As a consequence of this. in 1996 the UK’s first environmental revenue enhancement was introduced by Conservative Secretary of State for the Environment. John Gummer ; The UK landfill revenue enhancement. It worked through increasing the cost of landfill. hence doing other ; more environmentally friendly ways of disposing of waste seem more appealing and hopefully deter the usage of landfill. It had three chief purposes ; Encourage waste manufacturers to understate the sum of waste they generate. cut down the sum deposited in landfills. and most significantly. promote both houses and families to get down recycling. [ ( hypertext transfer protocol: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Landfill_tax n. d. ) ] It’s go really popular throughout Britain. chiefly successful through the authoritiess allotment of Green bins and black boxes which can be used to dispose of many things found around anybody†™s house. But recycling isn’t merely an issue for us at place. it is much more of import that the authorities increase the inducement for Large houses with immense end product degrees to recycle. The environmental revenue enhancement the authorities charges is ?48 per metric ton for active waste and ?2. 50 per metric ton for inactive waste. These amounts may look little. but when you take into comparing the immense sums of trash that big houses produce each twelvemonth so this can truly salvage them a considerable sum of money if they choose to recycle. If they decide to go on to utilize merely our landfills so like with the congestion charge. these houses are make up ones minding to pay for the negative outwardnesss that they are making. and it doesn’t come cheap to them. Smoke is another thing that is many people consider being a market failure. Approximately 13 million people smoke in the UK and non surprisingly. it causes many deceases. estimated to be about 120. 000 every twelvemonth. non to advert the 1000000s of lbs it costs the NHS. Cigarettes are a de-merit good and without any signifier of intercession from the authorities. coffin nails would be over consumed and under-priced by the market. There are several ways in which they try to rectify the market failure caused by smoking. First. arguably the most effectual manner is through revenue enhancement. Similarly to the manner the authorities uses environmental revenue enhancement. they assign immense revenue enhancements to coffin nails which makes them really expensive. For illustration. presently the revenue enhancement rate on coffin nails is 90 % which means it costs approximately ?2372 per twelvemonth for a 20 a twenty-four hours tobacco user to go on their wont. Tax this big hence make i t more hard for people to afford to smoke as their existent incomes lessening. and give consumers more of an inducement to discontinue. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //tutor2u. net/economics/presentations/aseconomics/marketfailure/SmokingExternalities/default. hypertext markup language n. d. ) Although revenue enhancement is one of the most normally used schemes to cut down the sum of people that smoke in the UK. it doesn’t deter everyone ; this is where the revenue enhancement grosss gained from coffin nails come into usage. In the twelvemonth 2000. the authorities earned ?9. 616. 000 from revenue enhancement gross on coffin nails. Some of this money so goes towards instruction strategies in schools that demonstrate the effects of smoke and how bad it can be for you. This is a cardinal portion of Government scheme in rectifying this facet of market failure as it aims to give younger people all the necessary information on smoking so they can gain all the damaging effects it has on your organic structure and will therefore deter them to take up smoke in the hereafter. This is a cardinal country that the UK authorities focal points on because if a whole coevals can be educated good plenty to the extent that they will take non to smoke in ulterior life. so the sum of people that smoke in the UK. in 20 old ages will be well lower than the sum that smoke presently. Part of the gross gained from coffin nails besides goes towards the support of advertisement runs shown on the telecasting. cyberspace. hoardings. magazines. the most recent being Television adverts having immature kids naming out for their parents to abandon their wont. Alcohol is besides another de-merit good that the authorities see to be over consumed. Therefore. like coffin nails it is to a great extent taxed with the purpose of cut downing the mean ingestion degree per individual. per hebdomad. There are two types of revenue enhancements on intoxicant ; excise responsibilities. and VAT. Excise responsibilities by and large depend on the class of intoxicant a drink falls into. for illustration the authorities has a higher revenue enhancement rate on beers and cyders that contain a higher volume of intoxicant and are hence more detrimental to a person’s wellness. whereas drinks with a lower volume of intoxicant tend to hold lower excise responsibility charges applied to them. These excise responsibilities are reviewed every twelvemonth by the Chancellor and any amendments to the old year’s excise responsibilities are included in the one-year budget. The excise responsibilities create immense grosss each twelvemonth for the authoriti es. for illustration in 2005 the gross from beer ( 5992. 2m ) vino ( 4398. 7m ) and liquors ( 3587. 2m ) added up to a sum of ?13. 978. 000. A scientific reappraisal of this issue concludes: Taxation of intoxicant is an effectual mechanism for cut downing intoxicant problems†¦The impression that heavy or dependent drinkers are immune to the influence of monetary value is provably wrong. Put merely. but with full scientific truth. intoxicant revenue enhancement is a readily available instrument which can be applied to salvage lives and avert alcohol-related agony. Therefore. these excise responsibilities do non enable people to imbibe as frequently due to the increased cost when taking into history for revenue enhancement. and hence are a manner of rectifying market failure ; nevertheless these revenue enhancements do non do intoxicant expensive plenty to halt people from imbibing wholly. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Iowa. org. uk/resources/factsheets/tax. pdf n. d. ) Many markets in the UK can go unstable in times of economic crisis and nutrient manufacturers are a group that fall into that class. They suffer chiefly from 3 economic jobs ; foremost. a autumn in long term incomes. merely because the overall supply of nutrient has increased due to betterments in engineering and better harvest outputs. There are besides many other states viing with us in the nutrient industry. many are much poorer states. therefore they are more competitory as they can sell at a lower monetary value. Second. unstable pricing in the industry is a cardinal issue. Negative Supply dazes such as harvest disease of bad conditions can take to monetary values so low that manufacturers are driven out of the market. The 3rd and perchance the most detrimental economic feature to smaller nutrient manufacturers is their complete Loss of dickering power with large supermarket ironss who. as monopolies are able to call a monetary value to smaller providers. go forthing them with small pick but to accept that monetary value for fright of traveling out of concern. The sensed market failure through the sheer power of monopolies is compensated for by the UK authorities through the Common Agricultural policy. besides known as CAP. CAP was created by the Treaty of Rome ( 1957 ) to guarantee that nutrient supplies were invariably fluxing throughout Europe and that all European husbandmans would have a just pay.
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Write Perfect Expository Essays Without Wasting Your Time
How to Write Perfect Expository Essays Without Wasting Your Time Are you required to write an expository essay for school? It's better to start your work with short research. You have to understand the main purpose of writing this type of paper. In this detailed guide, you will find good tips about making expository essays. We will provide you with the entire process of writing and give some ideas how to structure your future paper, how to choose an interesting topic, how your essay should be started, how to write good thesis statement, body, and provide you with ideas of expository essay examples. It's understandable that not each and every person has strong skills in writing. Many people waste their time and efforts to create a good expository essay, and they are not always successful. Read our detailed instruction and make an interesting expository essay to impress your teacher. In an expository essay, students need to place detailed explanation of chosen subject using just fair analysis without personal opinion. It's possible to mark several types of this essay. Definition essay – explains the meaning of an object, word, or any concept. This can be work written about any kind of animal (cat, lion) or subject of our world (flowers, plane). It is possible to describe an abstract thing in our life: love, happiness, or sadness. Classification essay – in this paper, writer divide characteristics into groups and categories and describes each category for readers. Compare and contrast essay – this work shows differences and similarities between two or more subjects. Cause and effect essay. This work points how one thing depends on another. The author needs to choose two subjects and focus on why something has happened, and what facts and reasons caused this to happen. â€Å"How to†essay. This is a paper that explains the entire procedure of some process with details. ORDER EXPOSITORY ESSAY The Process of Creating a Successful Expository Essay You have learned main goals and types of expository essay. We want to provide you with the clear and detailed plan of writing; follow this list with useful steps and tips that will help you make an interesting essay. Prewriting phase. First of all, you need to think what information you are going to include in your future essay. Brainstorm your ideas and choose most important moments you want to explain and describe to your readers; you can read expository essay examples to get some ideas about writing. Make notes to keep in mind important things, and you won't forget anything. Define structure. Any expository essay must have a concrete structure that includes five main paragraphs. You need to start your work with an introduction where you explain the main goal of your essay to readers. Don't make this part too long, usually, it should be one page or less. The next three paragraphs are your essay's body part: you need to provide readers with details that support your thesis statement. Remember you need to prove each argument of your essay with evidence. The final paragraph is a conclusion, where you have to restate thesis and finish your work. Logical end is necessary for the successful essay, that's why this paragraph requires a lot of attention from you. Make an essay outline. Some students may think the outline is time-wasting for them, but it can turn to a clear plan for your future essay, so you should spend some time to create it. You will spend less time with writing if you create an outline: when you travel with a map, you know where and how to go. Put into your outline both general information and details related to your topic. Write a draft. It's time to make a draft of your future expository essay: use your outline and don't forget about structure – these are key moments for creating an effective expository essay. Don't worry about misprints and mistakes on this stage, think about the plot; you will have time to revise and correct your essay. Polish your expository essay. After you have finished your essay, it's time to re-read it and see what parts must be changed; we suggest taking some rest after you wrote an essay, and revise it with refreshed eyes. You have to check your work and find logical, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. ORDER MY PERFECT A-GRADE ESSAY Tips for Writing an Expository Essay If you feel you need more help with your expository paper, these easy and effective hints will be effective in making a successful expository essay. Write thesis statement at end of the introduction. Make sure each and every sentence of your essay is connected to the thesis. Paragraphs of your expository essay should be connected to each other, that's why you can write some sentences between them to make entire paper logical and smooth. Don't bring any new information in conclusion. Read assignment before you start to work on your future paper, and try to mark all important moments your teacher wants to see in your essay. Include a lot of information into the outline. It will be easier to write an expository essay according to a detailed plan. If grammar isn't your strong side, feel free to use special software to find and fix grammar errors in your expository essay. Ask your friend or relative to read your expository paper; you can make some corrections into your essay in accordance with their feedback. Avoid obvious topics and standard language, and try to be creative and extraordinary! Below, we will provide you with essay topic examples. Keep in mind that reader must learn something new after reading your expository essay. Best Expository Essay Topics We want to give you some expository essay topic ideas. You can use our ideas to make a good paper. Surf Internet to find more expository essay examples and topics by popular writers online.  Expository Essay Topics for High School Students How is it possible to prevent bullying in schools? How does the human brain evolve during years of our life? What causes an allergic reaction, and how is it possible to prevent it? How robots help people, and why they can replace people in some professions? Explain why some people prefer to send an email instead of direct conversation. Compare living in the house and in flat; write main points that make these place different. Why some teenagers commit suicide, and what possible ways to prevent this? Explain why the idea of leaving parents' house make some teenagers feel scared? Why kids smoke, and how teachers should react on that? How to write a good speech for high-school conference? Topics for Expository Essays for College Describe five objects that symbolize our culture. What causes teenagers to fight with parents, and how is it possible to prevent this? Why parents' divorce causes children suffer? If you were an animal, which one you'd choose? Why it's important for any person to get driver's license? If you were an object, which one you'd select? Describe a thing that makes you happy and smiley. Why some kids skip school, and how their parents should react? If you were a flower, which one you'd choose? Why many people attend public libraries, even if they have the Internet at home? Expository Essay Topics about Education What is the history of the education system in Great Britain? Explain why the education is important to each person to get. Explain why some students use help from writing company instead of making their papers by themselves. Explain how modern schools use technology in studying process. How can teachers give their experience to students? Why it's hard to motivate a modern student to study, and how to make people involved in learning? Explain main advantages of distance studying. Why it's important to study at school, even if you are not planning to enter university? Describe the ideal teacher of your class. Describe the classroom of future, and explain why you see it this way. We hope that after reading this guide, you have got many ideas about writing your expository essay. Making such paper is not an easy job. You need a lot of time, patience, and skills to write a successful essay. Don't stop improving your skills and create many wonderful expository essays to impress your teacher and classmates!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition and Examples of Bowdlerisms
Definition and Examples of Bowdlerisms Definition Bowdlerism is the practice of of removing or restating any material in a text that might be considered offensive to some readers. Verb: bowdlerize. The term bowdlerism is an eponym derived from Dr. Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825), who in 1807 published an expurgated edition of William Shakespeares playsa version in which words and expressions are omitted which cannot with propriety be read aloud in a family. Examples and Observations Long before the British physician Thomas W. Bowdler (1754-1825) and his sister, Henrietta Bowdler (1754-1830), took it upon themselves to make the plays of William Shakespeare safe for innocent eyes, the wholesale editing of another authors writing so that it might be more palatable to prudish tastes was known as castration to some, winnowing by others. But with the publication of the first edition of the Family Shakespeare in 1807, the world of letters got a new verbbowdlerizeto identify the process of literary expurgation. . . . Immensely popular in their time, these sanitized versions of the plays were the principal text by which Englands national poet reached thousands of impressionable readers for close to a century, the dialogue discreetly pruned of any reference to God or Jesus, with every hint of sexual pleasure or misconduct snipped out. . . .Some discriminating readers were outraged, to be sure. A writer for the British Critic railed that the Bowdlers had purged and castrat ed Shakespeare, tattooed and beplaistered him, and cauterized and phlebotomized him. But bowdlerism was far from being abandoned, and was adopted by numerous successors, Noah Webster and his heavily expurgated American dictionaries and William Michael Rossettis watered-down British edition of Walt Whitmans Leaves of Grass among the more egregious examples.(Nicholas A. Basbanes, Every Book Its Reader: The Power of the Printed Word to Stir the World. HarperCollins, 2005) Perhaps there is no greater tribute to the supposed power of literacy and no greater literary testament to unresolved infantile conflicts than 19th-century bowdlerism.More than words were changed. Double entendres and sexual allusions of various sorts were cut out or restated. In King Lear, the Fools codpiece song was eliminated, as was Gonerils lament about the knights brothel activities. Pepyss faithful and literate recording of his sexual experiences, and fanciful pictures, such as the voyeuristic Lilliputian army that subdued Gulliver or Swifts classically nonerotic detailing of the Brobdignagian breast, fared no better.(Richard S. Randall, Freedom and Taboo: Pornography and the Politics of a Self Divided. University of California Press, 1989)Before and After the Bowdlers[T]he practice of bowdlerism was already well established before the Bowdler family started to wield the blue pencil. Charles Wesley in 1744 published his Collection of Moral and Sacred Poems, From the Most Celeb rated Authors, in which about 100 poems have lines missing or substituted. Subsequent decades saw pruned or purged collections of poets as diverse as the Earl of Rochester, Abraham Cowley, and Matthew Prior. . . .Although bowdlerism is regarded as something of a joke from a contemporary liberated viewpoint, it has proved far more tenacious and widespread than is generally realized. Many works lacking any tincture of obscenity, some at the heart of the English literary tradition, are bowdlerized. It is only fairly recently that school editions of Shakespeare have become unexpurgated. An American study by James Lynch and Bertrand Evans, High School English Textbooks: A Critical Examination (1963) showed that all of the eleven prescribed editions of Macbeth were bowdlerized. Most editions of Gullivers Travels still excise the grosser physical details. In the United States hardly a year passes without some protest over prescribed school texts regarded as blasphemous or profane in some w ay.(Geoffrey Hughes, An Encyclopedia of Swearing: The Social History of Oaths, Profanity, Foul Language, and Ethnic Slurs in the English-Speaking World. M.E. Sharpe, 2006) Bowdlerism and CensorshipIn Dr. Bowdlers Legacy: A History of Expurgated Books in England and America (1992), Noel Perrin distinguishes between censorship and what he calls bowdlerism. While the former is generally done by governments for political reasons, bowdlerism is done by individuals for moral ones. While censorship is usually imposed on books before they are published, and leads to their being withdrawn, bowdlerism comes afterwards, and is a form of editing. The book in question still appears, but in a form judged suitable to what is seen as an audience needing protection.(Philip Thody, Dont Do It!: A Dictionary of the Forbidden. St. Martins Press, 1997)Contemporary Bowdlerism . . . and FoodBowdlerism targeted profanity and sexual explicitness and [Thomas] Bowdlers activities led to the progressive sanitising (or bowdlerising) of a range of workseven the Bible was a targeted text. Clearly, these days the definition of dirt has shifted considerably and the goals of modern-day bowdlerites are very different. Texts are now likely to be cleansed of references to things like race, ethnicity, and religion.The US has seen a lot of these kinds of cleaning-up activities in recent years. They might even extend to the food superstitions of todaycalories, carbohydrates, cholesterol, sugar, caffeine, and salt. Apparently, US publishers are now expected to omit references to, and illustrations of, foods that are high in these shocking substances. . . . In her account of the rampant sanitizing of textbooks and state education testing services in the US, Diane Ravitch includes a substantial hit list of foods . . ..The banned substances include things like bacon, butter, margarine, cakes, sweets, coffee, condiments, corn chips, cream, cream cheese, doughnuts, French fries, fruit punches, gravy, honey, jam, jelly, preserves, ketchup, juice drinks, pickles, pies, potato chips, pretzels, salad dressings, mayonnaise, salad oil, shortening, salt, fizzy drinks, sour cream, su gar (of all kinds), tea, whipped cream. The list goes on.(Kate Burridge, Gift of the Gob: Morsels of English Language History. HarperCollins Australia, 2011) Pronunciation: BODE-ler-iz-em
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Kierkegaardian Journeys To Selfhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Kierkegaardian Journeys To Selfhood - Essay Example However, one who is unable to make a choice either way, for such a person the self is not created. Hence, a choice has to be made and this is the way that the self is created. The aesthetic’s form of choice leaves the individual self-less because he has been lured by passions and lust. His choice is based on the emotions which rule him for that small period of time. He is overpowered by those emotions of lust and passions and unable to relieve himself from them. Nobody can understand your actions and thoughts; this does not even attract pity from others. They merely pray that wise sense may prevail upon you someday because every revelation that you make is an illusion. They become self-less because they have deceived their own self throughout the life. This is why Kierkegaard says such choice leaves the individual self-less. In the ethical stage the virtues are dominant and one evaluates the dilemma and the problem based on truth, honesty and righteousness. In such a situation, the individual is not confronted with a choice. He knows what is to be done. His personality itself is immersed in the choice that he is not different from the choice. The choice and he are indivisible; there is no dualism. Suppose one has to make a choice about a life problem. If he delays the decision, he is able to understand the situation better. He delays not because is unable to make a choice but to understand the alternatives. When one believes in the inner self, there is no time for though-experiments. A person would always see where the alternatives would lead him to; he would evaluate the shortest path to accomplish his goals or reach his destination. Thus, the choice cannot be wrong because he is evaluating the alternatives with righteousness. The choice has to be made with tone of seriousness. This is because, Kierkeg aard says, the next moment one may not have the power to choose. Hence even if the personality postpones the choice, the choice is made
Friday, October 18, 2019
Internship paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Internship paper - Essay Example It is a work environment where any career hotel manager would desire to work in. Employees in all departments undertake their tasks separately and share information through a file named ‘HR file’ in the office network that is administered by the HR department. According to Haves & Ninemeir (2012), workplace ergonomics influence worker motivation and productivity. A good work environment has helped to maintain skilled and experienced staff in the organization. Teamwork is also a significant strategy that promotes employee productivity. There is a high level of teamwork among the employees who often assist each other despite everyone having enough work to do. By the smile on the faces of everyone that is maintained all along as they work, a high level of employee satisfaction is evident. Luo & Milne (2014) highlight the importance of employee satisfaction to an organization’s productivity. Happy employees demonstrate a strong drive to achieve in their respective roles. As much as an organization may be interested in making great profits, it is necessary to be people oriented to ensure that they own the organizational goals and hence work towards their accomplishment. The management at Hilton Hotel Jeddah understands that product superiority and profits come as a result of a competent and committed workforce and hence the application of people oriented strategies in the management of human resources. Mr. Jamar is the training manager and holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration. His decision to work in this field is because it fits his specialization. It is important to be engaged in a field where one is skilled for high productivity to be achieved. An education background in human resource management or psychology might be helpful in this field. It is also important to possess interpersonal skills to relate effectively with workmates and the management. The
The Federal Reserve Controls the American Economy Term Paper
The Federal Reserve Controls the American Economy - Term Paper Example It is obvious that the economy is all about managing finances, and since the Federal Reserve has oversight authority over the country’s financial administration it controls the entire economy. As a central bank, the Federal Reserve sets the rates for other commercial banks thus influencing the interest rates. Similarly, the Federal Reserve determines the circulation of money thus influencing inflation and flow of money. Through these two dynamic roles of the Federal Reserve, it is evident that the US economy lies directly in the hands of the Federal Reserve. Several developments in the US economy, like the great depression, have seen the augmentation of the evolution and transformation of the roles of the Federal Reserve. The congress developed three crucial goals regarding monetary policy in the Federal Act namely; utmost employment, constant prices, and reasonable long-term interest rates. To be relevant to the growing economic realities the roles of Federal Reserve have gro wn to include other areas like performing the nation's monetary policy, managing and regulating banking entities, maintaining the steadiness of the financial arrangement and offering financial services to reservoir organizations, the U.S. government, and abroad executive institutions. The Beige Book is a manual usually published by the Federal Reserve that contains research on various aspects of the US economy. Structure of the Federal Reserve System and Its Core Functions The federal system structure constitutes of governors selected by the president, Federal Open Market Committee, twelve local Federal Reserve Banks situated in main cities all over the nation, plentiful surreptitiously owned U.S. affiliate banks and assorted advisory committees (Willis 48). The FOMC is the board in charge of establishing monetary policy, which comprises all seven affiliates of the Board of Governors along with the twelve local bank heads. Nonetheless, simply five bank presidents take part in an ele ction at whichever time. The Federal Reserve System intention is to serve the purposes of both the broad public as well as clandestine bankers. The outcome is a structure that is painstakingly unique with central banks. Federal Reserve is further remarkable in that Department of the Treasury, an entity out of the central bank, makes the currency used. The Federal Reserve is independent, and its decision needs not to be approved by the executive or government. Hence, it base its mandate on laws ratified under which it operates with autonomy under congress oversight. However, the executive select the leaders of the Federal Reserve while the congress does the confirmation. The government has some control over the Federal Reserve because it sets the remuneration of the highest leaders of the system. All profits derived by the Federal Reserve System go to the government. Federal Reserve System and the US Economy The Federal Reserve has oversight authority on the American economy, therefo re, exercising overall control on the country’s economy (Meltzer 32-35). The functions of the Federal Reserve regard overall economic management. The Fed controls inflation in a manner that keeps recession at bay. Other significant roles of the Fed in US economy include supervision of the country’s banking system to cushion customers, maintaining steadiness of monetary markets and confine probable crises, and functioning as a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
International finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International finance - Case Study Example hy debt to equity ratio for a business should be such that the equity is high than the debt, since it is only then, that a business can demonstrate its ability to pay its debts using its own resources, without borrowing externally (Tyran, 1986:38). However, the debt to equity ratio of NDP points to the fact that the company’s financial status is not healthy, since the company had a debt to equity ratio of 100% (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:44). This means that the company’s debt is equal to the company’s owned resources and as such, should the financial crisis extend for long, the company cannot remain with any resources to continue its operations, since it would use all of its resources to pay up debts. The other pointer to the unhealthy financial status of the NDP is the high interest expense which the company is incurring. The increase in the debt levels of the company has a corresponding increase on the cost of capital, in form of the interest charges (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:44). Thus, considering that the interest expenses for NDP are consistently increasing, with the company having an interest expense of HK$102 by December 2008, but the same increasing to HK$480 in millions by march 2009 (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:43). This simply means that the company is obtaining its capital at very high costs, which are then unhealthy for the operation of the company. The other issue that indicates that the financial status f NDP is not healthy is its earnings ratio. The earnings ratio measures the rate at which the business is able to generate revenues, after it has paid costs of generating the revenues, such as interests, taxes and depreciation of the assets applied towards generating the revenues (McClure, 2011:n.p). For example the earnings of the NDP by September 2008, was HK$ 3,988 million, but the same had reduced to HK$ 2,049 million by March 2009, indicating that the revenues for the company were consistently reducing (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:43). This is a pointer
Budget Control Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Budget Control Methodology - Essay Example Control Centers To build a budgetary control hub together with your business clusters. Usually, responsibility centers are classified into four; investment, revenue, profits and expense. Conventionally, these are characterized by income and cash flow account. Together, these statements have ordinary interconnections, which can be scrutinized with time to achieve equilibrium. The working capital formula derived from the value of current assets minus current liabilities qualifies as a general assessment tool for investors while judging company's basic operational competence. Capital values affixed to any inventory, also known as current assets or money owed to the firm by clients, which is the current liabilities, may not be utilized to settle up a firm’s financial liability. When the flow of working capital is delayed between different cycles, then inefficiency is said to have occurred (Brownell 1985). Forecasting Forecasting is the most decisive element in a budgetary techniqu e. This entails the capacity to chart out a well planned strategy for future prospects. Simply, forecasting is deliberating on potential aspect that may arise in coming days. Every manager is obliged to organize specific drafts, showing objectives and capital requirements. These needs should be assessed against the larger outlook to guarantee compatibility with business standards. A lot of emphasis should be directed towards setting up a responsive budget, which presents proportions of general accounts for relevant sectors. Budgeting should be considered as a device in addition to a control measure (Little et al. 2002). 2. Costing methodologies: While examining costing methods, several methods may be applied to establish expenditure proportionate to administrative obligations. These applications may be classified as follows: Absorption costing: this denotes the guarantee of expenses after they are incurred according to the structure - both fixed and unpredictable costs are apportion ed to cost units while the sum total of overheads is taken up by real activity levels. Absorption costing is defined as total costing owing to the fact that total costs are final amounts assigned to costs. This is also submitted as a standard or time based costing. Still, due to the reality that costs are certified after they have been acquired, and large time-gaps subsist from the point of expenditure to the time of cost citation, it is evident that it does not mitigate cost control. Marginal costing: this system illustrates the theory whereby variable expenses are levied to expenditure units, whereas fixed costs associated with the related duration is settled up wholly versus the input in the given timeframe. The contribution noted marks the variation between sales and the subsidiary cost of sale. Marginal costing can be described as a straight or variable costing. The technique is a vital tool to the management while deliberating on crucial guidelines, which include pricing, product preference and final choice. Standard costing: this strategy employs standard for costs and returns with a view to management through a variance investigation. Values are set up according to each cost factor on a systematic basis for nonstop future prospects, while actual expenses are weighed up against the same standards. Discrepancies accrued from standards are investigated; logical causes are formed and remedial measures put in place to deter a repeat of wasteful business practices. Differential costing: the technique is mainly concerned with
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
International finance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
International finance - Case Study Example hy debt to equity ratio for a business should be such that the equity is high than the debt, since it is only then, that a business can demonstrate its ability to pay its debts using its own resources, without borrowing externally (Tyran, 1986:38). However, the debt to equity ratio of NDP points to the fact that the company’s financial status is not healthy, since the company had a debt to equity ratio of 100% (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:44). This means that the company’s debt is equal to the company’s owned resources and as such, should the financial crisis extend for long, the company cannot remain with any resources to continue its operations, since it would use all of its resources to pay up debts. The other pointer to the unhealthy financial status of the NDP is the high interest expense which the company is incurring. The increase in the debt levels of the company has a corresponding increase on the cost of capital, in form of the interest charges (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:44). Thus, considering that the interest expenses for NDP are consistently increasing, with the company having an interest expense of HK$102 by December 2008, but the same increasing to HK$480 in millions by march 2009 (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:43). This simply means that the company is obtaining its capital at very high costs, which are then unhealthy for the operation of the company. The other issue that indicates that the financial status f NDP is not healthy is its earnings ratio. The earnings ratio measures the rate at which the business is able to generate revenues, after it has paid costs of generating the revenues, such as interests, taxes and depreciation of the assets applied towards generating the revenues (McClure, 2011:n.p). For example the earnings of the NDP by September 2008, was HK$ 3,988 million, but the same had reduced to HK$ 2,049 million by March 2009, indicating that the revenues for the company were consistently reducing (Moffet & Adelson, 2011:43). This is a pointer
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Construction Legal Procedures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Construction Legal Procedures - Essay Example At the turn of 1983, the United Kingdom witnessed the surfacing of a radical Society of Construction Law. Thereafter, the European Society of Construction Law was established as an umbrella law governing the entire construction industry in the European continent (Comba, 2013, pp.302-310). The first and foremost is the time taken by the planning departments in processing the permits. Some of these departments may take very long time to give the feedback thus discouraging the investment approach of the construction works.(Nunnally, 2004)recommended a follow up on the progress of the processing of the permit in order to put more pressure on the planning departments to issue permits on time. Procedures associated with regulation, practises and legislation is too cumbersome and weary. These is because the government through its parliament make changes every time concerning the regulation and standards of the construction. This as a result lengthen the procedures associated with permit issuance.Construction permits are always subjected to various reforms and changes which have no proper definition hence not fully implemented. The reforms are always short-lived and before implementing the proposed rules and regulations, others will have come by thereby in the long run lengthening the process of permits(Nunnally, 2004) Another challenge conflict by the local residents and the community in general. The construction will not be granted permit to start the construction work when there are conflicts in the area of construction. This happens in most cases due to failure by the construction company to involve the local community in the project contract. Before any contract project commences, the community must understand well the benefits and impacts of the project in their lives. Involvement can be done through various channels such as communication through print media, meetings, and seminars among many others. When
Monday, October 14, 2019
Nutritional Needs over a Life Span Essay Example for Free
Nutritional Needs over a Life Span Essay As we grow older, our nutritional needs begin to change. Not only do they change throughout different stages of life, but they also vary depending on whether you are male or female. The following are nutrient requirements for the lifespan of both men and women: Infants Infants of both sexesleave the mothers womb and live on their mothers breast milk for the first four to six months of their life. If breastfeeding is not possible, then the infant should be formula fed. This provides all the necessary nutrients to sustain good health during this time frame. From age six to 12 months, infants can begin eating solid foods such as rice, oatmeal, soft fruits, cooked veggies and meats. After they are a year old, they can graduate to eating larger, raw fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Teenagers Teens have to keep a well balanced diet because they are growing during these years. They also have to be able to concentrate in school and get adequate nutrition to help them play sports, as well. They need sufficient iron in their diet; teenage girls usually do not get enough of this. Protein, calcium and Vitamin D are particularly important during a teenagers growth spurt. This includes fish, chicken breast, skim milk, cheese and low fat yogurts. Boys usually need more calories than girls because they have more muscle mass and tend to grow taller. Another facet of teenage life, particularly for women is the pressure to stay thin. They are more likely to suffer from eating disorders and inadequate nutrition, than males. Read more:Â Essay on Nutritional Requirements Adults Adult men and women have different nutritional needs based on their occupation and activity level. Those who have sedentary jobs, can get away with eating a 1500-1800 calorie a day diet, without weight gain. However, those who work in field such as construction, cleaning, fitness instruction, etc..require a greater calorie intake of at least 2000-3000 calories daily. Women of child bearing age, must eat plenty of iron rich foods like cooked fish and poultry products, as well as spinach and other leafy green vegetables. Just before and during pregnancy, women have to pay close attention to the diet, as this can affect the health of the baby. Along with obtaining nutrients from all of the major food groups, she may take folic acid supplements to aid in proper development of the childs spinal cord. They should also avoid raw foods that may contain poisonous bacteria, like fish, eggs and soft cheeses. Older Adults Older adults are not as physically active as younger adults, so their calorie needs are reduced. Calcium is very important to maintain strong bones. Women are particularly susceptible to developing osteoporosis later in life, so they should increase their calcium intake Fiber rich foods such as multigrain breads and slow cooked oatmeal aid in the digestion of older adults. A variety of B-vitamins plus protein help maintain a healthy central nervous system and protects body tissues from damage.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Educational Strategies for Students with Autism
Educational Strategies for Students with Autism Have a look at the following video which interviews a number of teachers about their work with autistic students. They explain some of the underlying differences in individuals with ASD and suggest strategies for increasing their success in the school setting. Make a note of some of the strategies that they mention. Are they strategies that you have seen used? Within the video there were several different strategies that were introduced, these ranged from individual approaches to work with the student as well as strategies that involved the whole class; not only the student with autism. Kurth and Mastergeorge (2010) comment that there are many teachers and paraeducators that do not have adequate training for students with autism, videos like this can be used as resources for these teachers. The video goes over these strategies and how teachers can integrate them into their classrooms daily. With how the video is set out, there are several teaching strategies that are explicitly talked about however there are also some that are only subtly mentioned or that you can see the teachers doing within the video. However, all these strategies; not just the ones that are explicitly mentioned, have their own places within the classroom to help the students not only succeed but feel comfortable within the classroom and school. The strategies that are mentioned explicitly within the video are; Priming, which is noted as how the teacher; or primary care giver or an aide, informs the student or class about something that is coming. Academic Modification, is explained as modifying lessons and/or activities to be suitable to the student. Home Base, listed as a place for the student to go to when they are needing time to calm down and collect their thoughts. Visual Support, describes the different visual aids that can be utilised within the classroom and outside of the classroom to support the students learning. Reinforcement, this was directly related to positive reinforcement of their behaviours within the classroom and to support personal growth. Although there were only five strategies that are explicitly mentioned within the video, each strategy had other strategies subtly mentioned within their field. Examples of the subtle strategies mentioned are: Priming: Creating classroom and school schedules for the students to follow, explaining to the class the lesson structure, and talking with the student about what anything that may be coming to prepare them. Academic Modification: Explicit teaching of different skills for the student, offering repetition of a certain skill for the student to master, goal setting, and individual learning plans. Visual Support: Seating arrangements for students needing to be closer to the visual aids, cue cards for students to refer to for additional support in the classroom or in social situations, and having the classroom labelled for students to know where everything is located. These strategies whilst on their own may help in individual situations, however when utilised all together, develop into a teaching approach that allows the student to receive optimal support from their teachers and other support staff. During my short time as a casual relief teacher and pre-service teacher I have been privileged enough to use these teaching strategies. These strategies come into practice daily, although I may go between schools these strategies are utilised within each school, however in their own way with subtle differences. Whilst I was teaching at a special school however, there was one classroom that has stood out for me where all 5 overarching strategies were used to a high level. This grade had 7 students ranging from the ages of 8 to 10 all with a mild to severe disorder, with ability levels ranging from mild intellectual disabilities to a student that cannot speak or write. This promoted one aspect that came in on a lesson to lesson basis; academic modification. How this was utilised was that the teacher had an individual learning plan for each student within the classroom and they all had their individual goals that they were aiming for in each lesson. Individual learning plans are intended to have goals and objectives that an individual student can make progress towards within an achievable timeframe, whilst providing an educational benefit (Kurth Mastergeorge, 2010). This became prominent in every lesson as it was separated into different tasks for each student however maintaining the overarching subject topic. Within this grade as well, was the use of priming and visual supports. This was through having a class schedule for each day in pictures that are displayed on a Velcro board. This had a list of pictures for each lesson described as a picture; such as writing had a writing book and pencil, and lunch had a sandwich, in a descending order for the students to look at to have an understanding what the day entails. When I was in the classroom as a relief teacher I would also follow this support with verbal explanations of how the day would go to additionally prime the students for the day. Although the students were already feeling anxious when I do come into their grade because it is a change of routine not having their teacher, through using these priming strategies I have been able to calm the students down enough to begin to feel comfortable with me there for the day. There is one strategy however that I have only seen small amounts of in schools; I was lucky to have the strategy used in this classroom, and that is the use of home base. How the support staff explained to me how the class used this strategy was that when a student is feeling anxious, stressed, aggravated, or distressed they had a soft calming room that they can go to so they can take themselves out of the situation. This was not able to be done on the students own will as they are unable to recognise this, however myself or the support staff would ask the student if they wanted some time in the room. This provided a safe secluded area for the student to calm down from whatever they were experiencing at the time. I would personally enjoy to see more classes use this strategy as well as it noticeably had a positive effect on the student when they returned to the classroom. Although I may not have a grade of my own yet, using these strategies through relief teaching has improved my own teaching skills in relation to not only students with autism or students with disabilities, but all students. I would suggest that all teachers use these strategies within their daily routine as they have been proven to have a positive impact on the students. Search the WWW for more resources that relate to ABA or Applied Behaviour Analysis. You should search for videos as well as texts. Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is an intervention process that uses positive reinforcement to work towards change in behavioural responses. Susan Dodd (2005) suggests that to optimise the ABA persons within it should have interventions for 40 hours per week for a duration of at least 2 years. Dodd (2005) also lists that the interventions be carried out by a team of trained people including that of supervisors, therapists, parents, and peers. This is supported by Granpeesheh et al (2009) in the findings that a within two groups of children; one receiving 40 hours of intervention the other receiving 10 hours, the group with 40 hours per week showed expediential improvements whereas the 10-hour group showed very little improvement. Matson (2012) also explains that the younger the child with autism is when they undertake ABA, they will receive greater benefits from the program than that of older children. What would positive reinforcement be like for a student with autism? All students with autism, all students in general, react to positive reinforcement differently. What one child may experience as positive reinforcement, another may see as the complete opposite. This suggestion is that when positive reinforcements are given, the student is first to be understood. For example, a child with hypersensitivity towards physical contact may take a high five to be a largely positive reinforcement. However, a child with hyposensitivity towards physical contact may see it as an annoyance as their feelings are different to the other child. Temple Grandin (2008) suggests that positive reinforcements be directed towards the childs interests, such as time on the computer; however, she suggests a laptop rather than a desk top as the laptop screens do not flicker in comparison to that of a desk top screen. Although you can have positive reinforcements such as a high five, verbal recognitions such as praising, or activities, when a reinforcement is specialised toward s the individual student a greater outcome can be obtained. An example is when I was teaching a 10-year-old boy in a local special school. I had already developed a relationship with this student at the school so he was comfortable around me within the classroom when his teacher was away. He had come into the school in an upset mood in the morning from an incident at home and whilst not seeing his regular teacher his mood did not improve. However, through building up prior knowledge on the child I knew that he has a very strong passion for Doctor Who. Luckily for me I had brought a book that I was going to surprise him with after I found out I had his grade for the day; my personal Doctor Who pop-up book. After seeing his attitudes, I used this book as positive reinforcement for him, if he could do some work for 10 minutes, he can read for a bit, then 15 minutes then he can read. This proved to not only calm him down as it was his interest, but he also was more productive within the classroom. This would not work on other students for a behav iour reinforcement however with this individual child it is within his interests and can be utilised. Why is it important to observe the consequences and repetition of behaviours? Reinforcers help students with autism build up and improve on their behaviours inside and outside of the classroom. These reinforcers can be positive, negative, and neutral; all of which will prompt different reactions from the student. However, it is imperative that the student be observed before and after the reinforcer is given in the aim to give the student the optimal reinforcer. Food reinforcers are common practice within schools and have been seen to be affective most the time; such as an extra piece of fruit for good behaviour or lunch with the principal. Although food reinforcers are good to utilise, there are many people that will rapidly eat; which can lead to choking or possibly death, and if not recognised will continue their unwanted behaviours to get more food (Matson, Turygin, Beighley, Rieske, Tureck, Matson, 2012). To prevent this from occurring teachers may utilise journals and/or notes on observing student behaviours to try and understand what the student is tryi ng to portray. Common behavioural traits of autistic children are repetitive behaviours these can include rocking, hand flapping, or spinning (Kluth Shouse, 2013). It is important to observe the repetition of behaviours as functional assessment can follow as a form of behavioural intervention. Matson (2012) describes that in a situation of repetitive stretching after observation and assessment treatment packages could be developed and resulted in the behaviours being effectively lessened. How can you calm a student with autism who is anxious and upset? To deliver appropriate calming strategies for a student with autism it is imperative that you first understand the student. The effective way of getting to understand the student is through getting to know what their triggers are, what may cause this anxiety or upsetting moods. For example, if a student has low communication skills they may be anxious because they are unable to communicate if they require something such as food or trying to express their opinion on a situation. Ways that can be utilised in this situation can be helping the student communicate through alternate means; such as through hand motions, or through talking charts. An example of a student with autism whom I have taught whilst they were upset resulted in the student feeling uncomfortable with a blinking overhead light. Their hypersensitivity towards light resulted in them being upset towards the flickering light. Although I had quickly turned off the set of lights that the flickering one is in, the student remained upset and distressed. The way that I had calmed the student further was that I let the student go to a calming room, where they had access to different sensory items such as stress balls and beanbags (both large to sit on and small to hold); the student was there for about 5 minutes before they returned on their own accord. Through this removal from the situation, the student could calm down and eventually return to the classroom with prompting. Videos and Texts that can be used for teachers and primary care givers. This YouTube video is the beginning of a series of videos that involve different steps of ABA. This YouTube video is a university presentation that discusses ABA in an academic approach. Primary care givers may not have the time to research ABA for themselves, however teachers may link them to this YouTube video and website. Autism Speaks not only gives an overview of what ABA is but also how it is utilised in schools. The website also has further autism information for primary care givers to read. The book; Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis by Roane, Ringahl and Falcomata (2015), is a useful resource for teachers to acquire a basic understanding of the applications of ABA in different situations, Roane, H., Ringdahl, J. E., Falcomata, T. S. (2015). Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis. London: Elsevier Explain how stress and anxiety underpin sensory difficulties (hyper and hypo sensitivities). What strategies can be used to reduce anxiety and stress related to sensory issues. Stress and anxiety effect many people worldwide from children with sensory difficulties; hyper and hypo sensitives, up to fully able adults. Moree and Davis (2010) state that those on the autism spectrum range from 11% to 84% having anxiety disorders as well, averaging out to being 40-50%. Anxiety can be described as someone having excessive fear and avoidance in response to specific objects or different situations, whilst being absent of true danger (Shin Liberzon, 2010). Although anxiety is a known trigger of stress, it is not to be confused as being the sole trigger of stress; another primary trigger is trauma through social, emotional, physical, and psychological occurrences. People with hypersensitivity are understood to have strong emotional and physical reactions, heightened detections of stimuli, and having a heightened apprehension of the stimuli together with an unfocused or unselective attention (Elwin, Ek, Schrà ¶der Kjellin, 2012). This commonly relates back to vision, hearing, and touch (Elwin, Ek, Schrà ¶der Kjellin, 2012), however it also relates to smell and taste as well as can affect all senses. The National Autistic Society (2016) lists some examples in which hypersensitivity may occur: Visual: Can be distorted resulting in objects and bright lights appearing to jump around. Sound: Noise can become magnified to the person. Smell: Smells can be intense and overpowering. Taste: Foods and flavours can be found too strong and overpowering. Touch: Being touched or touching things may become painful or uncomfortable. Individuals that live with hypersensitivities towards different senses may become anxious when they are in different situations as the experiences that they have are predominantly negative. An interviewee by Elwin et al. (2012) mentions that the noise of other children around them was torment, they could not shut it out, it frightened them as well as wearing them out. If someone is experiencing this daily within a classroom, they will begin to associate the classroom with fear and torment, which will lead to having anxiety before entering the classroom and being stressed when they are in the classroom. Another example given through an interview by Elwin et al. (2012) is that someone has a hypersensitivity in their vision, bright lights are not a good thing to them, they mention that there were times when they would go outside and the light from the sun would make them quite literally sick as well as having the same affect with flashing lights however they describe it as wors e. If this person is in a classroom with one of the lights flickering, which is common, it can cause them to feel anxious as it will be affecting them and from previous experiences they may relate it to being sick. Hyposensitivity is recognised as people that have no indistinct registration of stimuli, less discrimination and recognition of stimuli, and having strong cravings for specific stimuli (Elwin, Ek, Schrà ¶der Kjellin, 2012). These reactions were common to pain, proprioceptive, and interoceptive stimuli. The National Autistic Society (2016) lists some examples in which hyposensitivity may occur in visual, sound, smell, taste, and touch senses: Visual: May have poor depth perception, problems with throwing and catching, clumsiness. Sound: May only hear sounds in one ear, the other ear having only partial hearing or no hearing at all. Smell: Can have no sense of smell and fail to notice extreme odours; this may also include their own body odour. Taste: They may eat or mouth non-edible items such as stones, dirt, and metal. Touch: They may have a high pain threshold. Individuals that are living with hyposensitivity may not have the same anxieties and stresses as those of hypersensitivities however they will still have their own. An example by Elwin et al. (2012) is of one person who describes that he is unable to tell when they are hungry or thirsty and relies on the post symptoms of feeling sick or dizzy from being without food or water for too long. This can lead to stressors arising for when they are going places as they may feel that if they cannot tell when they are hungry or thirsty, theyll get sick or dizzy in public and can result in further issues. Temple Grandin (2008) elaborates that when someone has sensory issues they are to be addressed however not to be mistaken by behavioural issues. Grandin (2008) further explains that there are different accommodations that need be put in place to help people with these sensory issues. Different strategies related to both hyper and hyposensitive sensory issues suggested by Grandin (2008) as well as the National Autistic Society (2016) include: Visual: Wearing a hat inside or sunglasses inside to reduce the lighting in the room. Using a laptop screen over other screens as they do not flicker Having incandescent lights rather than fluorescent. Doing different balancing games such as using a ball to sit on. Having dull coloured paper rather than white. Sound: Wearing headphones or earplugs for half the day, Grandin (2008) suggests not the entire day as no improvements will be made. Using visual supports as teaching tools such as visual outlines of the day. Minimal usage of verbal instructions. Priming people before going to a loud area. Smell: Creating routines in hygiene such as regular times for bathing / washing. Creating a routine of having deodorant or body spray applied to the person with hyposensitivity. Using unscented shampoos for people with hypersensitivity. Creating fragrance-free environments. Taste: Developing dietary programs in relation to having food that is either blander for hypersensitive people or having strong flavours for hyposensitive people. Touch: Limit physical contact. Preparations prior to any physical contact such as telling people that you are going to hug them. Turning clothes inside out to prevent the seam from rubbing. Constrictive clothing for hyposensitive responses. Squeeze machine sessions. If strategies such as these are implemented the environmental and social factors relating to the sensory issues will be reduced, which in result will further bring down anxiety and stress levels within hyper and hyposensitive people. Although it may not entirely remove anxiety and stress, it will help lessen the symptoms to create a more comfortable environment. Reference List: Autism Speaks. (2015). Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Retrieved from Autism Speaks. (2008, September 8). Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) [Video File]. Retrieved from Dodd, S. (2005). Understanding Autism. Sydney: Elsevier. Elwin, M., Ek, L., Schrà ¶der, A., Kjellin, L. (2012). Autobiographical Accounts of Sensing in Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 26(5), 420-429. Grandin, T. [University of California Television (UCTV)]. (2008, February 7). My Experience With Autism [Video File]. Retrieved from Granpeesheh, D., Dixon, D. R., Tarbox, J., Kaplan, A. M., Wilke, A. E. (2009). The Effects of Age and Treatment Intensity on Behavioral Intervention Outcomes for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(4), 1014-1022. Kluth, P, Shouse, J. (2013). The Autism Checklist. Hoboken: Wiley. Kurth, J., Mastergeorge, A. (2010). Individual Education Plan Goals and Services for Adolescents With Autism: Impact of Age and Educational Setting. The Journal of Special Education., 44(3), 146-160. Matson, J. 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